The Wilton Independent Film Festival offers independent filmmakers in all genres, the opportunity to see their film on the the "Big Screen" before a well heeled, film-loving audience. For more information visit www.
The Wild Rose celebrates diverse, bizarre, exhilarating films grown in out of the way places. With professional and student awards and cash prizes, guest speakers and workshops, the Wild Rose at the artsy Fleur Cinema and Cafe is exciting.
The Wild Blue Yonder Network presents the Cloud 9 Short Film Festival. Five films will be selected each month and will run the length of the month on the Wild Blue Yonder Network, the in-flight entertainment network of Frontier Airlines.
The WJFF presents 30-40 Jewish-themed features, documentaries and shorts from around the world in its annual 10 day Festival. Audience Awards
for Best Feature and Doc. One of the largest Jewish Film Festivals in the world.
The Wingspan Arts Kids Film Festival features original films by young people from around thecountry – films made by kids, for kids, encouraging creative and intelligent filmmaking.
The Wild & Scenic Environmental Film Festival is the largest environmental film festival of its kind in the US. The beautiful town of Nevada City, CA, offers a perfect backdrop for filmgoers to experience the most inspiring films today.
The Wild & Scenic Environmental Film Festival inspires people and unites communities to heal the earth.
The WIFTS focuses exclusively on women directors, cinematographers and producers of international films.
The What? Film Festival! is a subterranean bacchanal of audio-visual delights. In other words, it’s a weekend of irregular Music and skewed Movies in an unusual atmosphere.
Did we mention that there is NO ENTRY FEE?
The West Coast Student Film Festival features world-class student films from twenty-five countries. Festival passes are available for $5 by sending checks/money orders to WCS Film Fest, c/o Ticketing Office, 24 Vidal Dr., San Francisco, CA 94132
Archived festival (terminated)
The Vistas Film Festival is five-day international film festival highlighting works by or about Latinos or Latino culture from across the world. The festival features more than 35 films and 60+ screenings.
The Waterfront Film Festival offers a unique and festive artists retreat fostering an
exchange of ideas, discovering films, and providing for a FANTASTIC time in the lively
summer resort village of Saugatuck, Michigan.
The Victorydance Film Festival seeks to provide entertainment by showcasing creative student films while raising funds for the Alicia Rose "Victorious" Foundation.
The VCU French Film presents recent movies representative of the diversity of French films. The program includes twelve feature films and twelve short films (shown in French with English subtitles) and presented by their French directors.
The Utah Arts Festival is one of the largest, most culturally rich artistic showcases in the western United States. Short films at the UAF Fear No Film Festival have an audience of up to 80,000 festival-goers.
The USA Film Festival celebrates American independent film, in addition to screening new documentaries and foreign films. Has Academy-qualified National Short Film & Video Competition, deadline 3-1-2008. See website for info.
The US` first and longest-running festival dedicated to screening media works by filmmakers of Asian descent or about Asians and Asian Americans.
The UNO Film festival is open to all genres of films. Above all it is an opportunity for the independent filmmaker to have his/her work shown to a large audience within a rapidly growing filmmaking community.
the undisputed king of DIY fests -- Village Voice
a festival for films that defy convention -- NY Times
tackling taboos and stirring up the indie fest circuit -- Variety
the next frontier of alternative filmmaking -- Hollywood Reporter
The UndergroundfilmMaker Festival seeks to reward filmmakers who are dedicated to a lifetime of cinema. Sponsored by Seagate and CurrentTV, the festival has a Grand Prize of US $5000.
The Underexposed Film Festival is a event designed to expose and promote independent filmmakers. We are dedicated to providing a voice for underexposed film.
The Undercurrents film festival strives to bring a voice to traditionally ignored filmmakers and subjects. We aim to reward movies that challenge the status quo, take chances, experiment, or point to the future of filmmaking.
the festival is looking for media ready to inspire change. change in what? you decide. the top ten projects will be streamed online to a global audience and the grand-prize winner will be awarded a cash prize.
Archived festival (terminated)
The UMEC Short Film Festival showcases the talents of Michigan filmmakers. Any short film that had a U of M student or alum serve in a key creative capacity (e.g., writer, director, prod., actor, composer, editor, d.p.) is eligible.