Le Festival de Film d'Animation de Paris, c'est 5 jours pour découvrir ou redécouvrir le cinéma d'animation et plus particulièrement des courts métrages!
C'est une programmation riche avec 167 films français et étrangers ! Des films réalisés par des amateurs, des autodidactes, des étudiants mais aussi des professionnels. Tous ont leur chance et sont soumis au vote du public pour recevoir le &quo...
Vidéo City Paris, le 1er festival en France des créateurs de vidéos du web à Paris les 7 et 8 Novembre 2015
Live! by GL Events (Antoine de Tavernost), M6 Digital TALENTS (Nicolas Capuron), Studio Bagel – Canal Plus (Lorenzo Benedetti) et Mixicom (Thierry Boyer) sont les 4 co-producteurs de la première édition du Vidéo City Paris qui se déroulera les 7 et 8 novembre 2015 au Parc des Expositions de la Porte de Versaille...
Bonjour à toutes et tous!
Retrouvez le programme de la 7e édition du Festival du Film d'Animation de Paris, Croq'Anime, qui aura lieu du 10 au 14 septembre 2014 au Théâtre de Ménilmontant, 15 rue du retrait, 75020 Paris.
Le programme est en ligne ici: http://croqanime.wix.com/site#!programme-2014/cdwx
Venez rencontrer des invités de prestige et assister à de nombreuses project...
Bonjour à toutes et à tous !
L’association Croq’Anime organise la 7ème édition du Festival du Film d’Animation de Paris du 10 au 14 septembre 2014 au Théâtre de Ménilmontant.
Nous sommes à la recherche de bénévoles pour un jour, 2 jours, 3 jours... ou pour la vie afin de nous aider à distribuer des flyers, accueillir le public, s'occuper du bar, être en charge ...
16è FESTIVAL DU CINEMA BRESILIEN DE PARIS s' est tenu du 1er au 8 avril au Cinéma L'Arlequin - 76 rue de Rennes - 75006 Paris
Le prix du Public de la 16è édition du Festival du Cinéma Brésilien de Paris a été attribué à La collection invisible de Bernard Attal
Le Festival International du Film des Droits de l’Homme de Paris continue tout au long du week-end et se prolonge jusqu'à mardi soir au cinéma Le Nouveau Latina, puis du 19 au 21 mars dans d'autres salles à Paris, Créteil et Pantin.
Master class de Sebastian Mez
Un des temps forts du Festival cette année est la présence du réalisateur Sebastian Mez qui animera une master class ce samedi à 15h30, au cin&e...
Le Paris Images Trade Show est une nouvelle initiative qui regroupe dans une logique de cohérence et de complémentarité, quatre manifestations qui se dérouleront entre le 26 janvier et le 14 février 2014.
Le Paris Images Trade Show c’est plus de 7000 visiteurs, 180 exposants, 60 Ateliers/Conférences/Master Classes dans 10 lieux différents en Région Ile-de-France.
Voici les temps forts de ces quatre événements...
L'excellence des savoir-faire des industries techniques et des techniciens français dans l'ensemble des métiers du cinéma, de l'audiovisuel et de l'image animée constitue l'un des atouts majeurs de notre pays.
Le « Paris Images Trade Show » est une initiative portée par sept organismes reconnus partageant une même ambition de valorisation des talents techniques français : l'AFC, la Commission du film d'...
A l’occasion des 100 ans du cinéma indien l’Association « Extravagant India ! » Sous le haut patronage de l’Ambassade de l’Inde à Paris et le soutient de la Mairie de Paris.
Extravagant India ! 1er Festival International du Film Indien – Paris
Du 16 octobre au 22 octobre 2013
à Paris et en Ile...
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Ce mardi 11 juin à 22h30, lors de la soirée de clôture du premier
Panorama du Cinéma Colombien de Paris,
deux prix ont été remis :
Resistencia en la línea negra
de Amado Villafaña Chaparro, Saúl Gil et Silvestre Gil Sarabata
(Documentaire, 84 minutes, 2011)
Director: Pierre Yves Clouin.
cellophane, rue St Jacques, Paris, Juillet 2012
cellophane, St Jacques Street, Paris, July 2012
"The Myth of Saleh Sharif" is a submission to ÉCU 2013 in the category Non-European Dramatic Short. The Myth of Saleh Sharif portrays the quest of a man set out to avenge his family, murdered at the hands of the Shahid Brothers. Since then, Saleh - the sole survivor of the raid, has vowed for revenge. For years he tracks down the Brothers and for years he fails... as we follow what are know as the Last Days of Sale ...
"The Myth of Saleh Sharif" is a submission to ÉCU 2013 in the category Non-European Dramatic Short.
The Myth of Saleh Sharif portrays the quest of a man set out to avenge his family, murdered at the hands of the Shahid Brothers.
Since then, Saleh - the sole survivor of the raid, has vowed for revenge.
For years he tracks down the Brothers and for years he fails... as we follow what are know as the Last Days of Sa ...
"The Last Page" is a submission to ÉCU 2013 in the category Student Film.
Macha, a little girl, asks her mother to read her the story of 'The Steadfast Tin Soldier'. As the last page was missing, Macha enters the world of dreams to imagine the end.
"The Cart" is a submission to ÉCU 2013 in the category European Dramatic Short.
A cart is rolling along the endless road with no-one on aboard, with no horse or engine, or even sails...just the wheels turning by themselves. There are different people it rolls by, there are different reactions it leaves behind.
Jose Elias works carrying pines with his horse in a little mountain village deep in Spain. His profession is doomed to disappear.
Name of Editor: CARLOS BLAS PEÑA
Name of Cinematographer: DIEGO CABEZAS
Our tradition, our home is a documentary series exploring the traditions of folk music around the world. The first stop in this series is Switzerland where musical heritage is being preserved, cultivated and passed down from generation to generation. The 'natural' yodel is a unique form of singing with no words and often no notation, with only folklore to lend an idea of it's origin. Although it may have led to the ...
Six shipwrecked people swim up to a coast bordering a huge desert. Under a torturing sun, every one of them will remember what he or she was doing before beginning their trip. At the same time, four people of massive economic power gather to take decisions that will mean ruin for millions of human beings. Then, just for fun, they plot a plan to monitor the death of the shipwrecked.
One guy is dead scared of heights, but for the sake of his girlfriend, he decides to jump with a parachute, to prove his love. Before jumping, he asks her to marry him and jokingly says that if it is broken then he will let her marry his best friend. By coincidence, she married his friend...
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/uzRV8_plgfM" frameborder="0" allowfullscr ...
One guy is dead scared of heights, but for the sake of his girlfriend, he decides to jump with a parachute, to prove his love. Before jumping, he asks her to marry him and jokingly says that if it is broken then he will let her marry his best friend. By coincidence, she married his friend...
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/uzRV8_plgfM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen ...
One guy is dead scared of heights, but for the sake of his girlfriend, he decides to jump with a parachute, to prove his love. Before jumping, he asks her to marry him and jokingly says that if it is broken then he will let her marry his best friend. By coincidence, she married his friend...
Elli (Heidi Lindén), a university student, has a problem. Living in a poor area, but partying in the upscale clubs of the city is taking its financial toll, that can not be covered by her part time job as a cleaning lady. Even after her grandmother's antique necklace has been pawned, there just doesn't seem to be enough money for her lifestyle and to pay back the loans she has accumulated. So she decides to make mo ...
In a society controlled by the System, a Nazi variant of Big Brother limiting citizens' privacy, Joao falls in love with Leonor, a persecuted Jew. The vigilant inspector who watched them, decided to let them be free, reconciling with his past: he was the grandfather of Leonor
<object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Z8HIa_pILs8?hl=en_GB&version=3"> ...
"Continuüm" is a submission to ÉCU 2013 in the category Student Film.
A residential neighbourhood somewhere in the Netherlands. Mother, father, son and daughter wake up and have breakfast. Every day is the same. Even on birthdays, they live according to specific social protocols. But cracks appear in the system.
Pianoworks 13 is a short movie, which combines live action and motion design. On a original soundtrack played by Polerik Rouviere, four dancers perform different styles (break dance, new style, popping). The film illustrates the link between body, instrument and instrumentalist. The moves give birth to a sort of calligraphic language which is a representation of the moves themselves.