One thing - well the only thing I guess - that this cold English weather is good for, is that I can read all about film festival gossip on my laptop in a warm toasty pub! However, whilst freezing my boobies off in -12 temperatures in my flat I was delighted to see that Paddy Constandine's directorial debut will be screening at Sundance in Jan next year. Here's hoping he does the UK proud, so fingers crossed everyone for glowing reviews from un-snobbish critics and hopefully even awards.
The good thing about Sundance is that it happens during January which is the time when everyone has those post-Xmas blues and is generally an odd month. I get major SAD during that month so hearing all about Sundance discoveries brightens up my day. I think the organsiers of Sundance should win a medal for scheduling their festival during the time when everyone is depressed, as hearing through the grapevine (aka twitter) about promsing indie films to watch out for later on in the year is something to put a smile on everyone faces :)