"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" wins best film, director
"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" has been named best film
and its helmer, Peter Jackson, best director in the 2003 awards of the
Southeastern Film Critics Association.
"City of God" from Brazil was chosen as best foreign-language film in the
12th annual awards held by SEFCA. President Betsy Pickle of the Knoxville
News Sentinel in Tennessee announced the winners late Sunday night.
Best-actor honors went to Bill Murray for "Lost in Translation," which
also won best original screenplay for director Sofia Coppola. Naomi Watts
was named best actress for "21 Grams."
Tim Robbins was voted best supporting actor for "Mystic River," which
earned best adapted screenplay for Brian Helgeland, working from Dennis
Lehane's novel.
The Southeastern critics selected Renee Zellweger as best supporting
actress for "Cold Mountain," which opens Christmas Day. Andrew Jarecki's
"Capturing the Friedmans" was named best documentary.
The SEFCA Top 10 list is: 1) "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the
King," 2) "Mystic River," 3) "Lost in Translation," 4) "Cold Mountain," 5)
"American Splendor," 6) "The Station Agent," 7) "Finding Nemo," 8)
"Seabiscuit," 9) "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World" and 10)
"In America."
The Southeastern Film Critics Association was formed in 1992 and is
composed of critics from nine states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia,
Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.
Forty-three members voted in this year's awards.
The following members voted: John Beifuss, The Commercial Appeal
(Memphis); Jay Boyar, The Orlando Sentinel; Matt Brunson, Creative Loafing
(Charlotte); Mark Burger, The Winston-Salem Journal; Harvey Burgess,
Charlotte Bureau News Wire Service; Bob Carlton, The Birmingham News; Paul
Chambers, CNN Radio/Interactive; Michael Clark, The Gwinnett Daily Post;
Jackie K. Cooper, syndicated; Hap Erstein, The Palm Beach Post; Jeff
Farance, The Daytona Beach News-Journal; Felicia Feaster, Creative Loafing
(Atlanta); Rick Grant, Entertaining U (Jacksonville); Ken Hanke, The
Mountain Xpress (Asheville); Rick Harmon, The Montgomery Advertiser; Curt
Holman, Creative Loafing (Atlanta); Julie Phillips Jordan, The Athens
Banner Herald-Daily News; Tony Kiss, The Asheville Citizen-Times; Michael
Kleinschrodt, The Times-Picayune; Barbara Lester, City Link; Todd Lothery,
The News & Observer; Bret Love, INsite Magazine; Philip Martin, The
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette; George Meyer, The Sarasota Herald-Tribune; Noel
Murray, The Onion/Nashville Scene; Dan Neman, The Richmond Times-Dispatch;
Bert Osborne, syndicated; Bob Parker, CNN Newssource; Steve Persall, The
St. Petersburg Times; Betsy Pickle, the Knoxville News Sentinel; Jim
Ridley, Nashville Scene; Rene Rodriguez, The Miami Herald; Bob Ross, The
Tampa Tribune; Skip Sheffield, The Boca Raton News; Matt Soergel, The
Florida Times-Union; Steve Taylor, WHQR/WDAV/WKNO Public Radio; Bill
Thompson, The Post and Courier; Larry Toppman, The Charlotte Observer; Mal
Vincent, The Virginian-Pilot; Steve Warren, The Weekly News/Southern
Voice; Stan Washington, The Atlanta Voice; John Wirt, The Advocate (Baton
Rouge); Mercy Sandberg-Wright, syndicated.
1. "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
2. "Mystic River"
3. "Lost in Translation"
4. "Cold Mountain"
5. "American Splendor"
6. "The Station Agent"
7. "Finding Nemo"
8. "Seabiscuit"
9. "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World"
10. "In America"
(winner) "City of God" (Brazil)
(runner-up) "The Barbarian Invasions" (Canada/France)
(winner) Peter Jackson, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
(runner-up) Sofia Coppola, "Lost in Translation"
(winner) Bill Murray, "Lost in Translation"
(runner-up) Sean Penn, "Mystic River"
(winner) Naomi Watts, "21 Grams"
(runner-up) Diane Keaton, "Something's Gotta Give"
(winner) Tim Robbins, "Mystic River"
(runner-up) Peter Sarsgaard, "Shattered Glass"
(winner) Renee Zellweger, "Cold Mountain"
(runner-up) Holly Hunter, "Thirteen"
(winner) "Lost in Translation," Sofia Coppola
(runner-up) "In America," Jim Sheridan, Naomi Sheridan and Kirsten
(winner) "Mystic River," Brian Helgeland, from the novel by Dennis Lehane
(runner-up) "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King," Fran Walsh,
Philippa Boyens and Peter Jackson, from the novel by J.R.R. Tolkien
(winner) "Capturing the Friedmans"
(runner-up) "Winged Migration"
30.12.2003 | Editor's blog
Cat. : 21 Grams America Andrew Jarecki Asheville Atlanta Barbara Lester Bert Osborne Best Betsy Pickle Bill Murray Birmingham Bob Carlton Bob Parker Bob Ross Brazil Bret Love Brian Helgeland Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards Canada Capturing the Friedmans Charlotte Cinema of Japan Cinema of the United States City of God CNN Radio Cold Mountain Creative Loafing Daily News Daily news Dan Neman Dennis Lehane Diane Keaton Entertaining U Entertainment Entertainment Felicia Feaster Film Fran Walsh France George Meyer Harvey Burgess Holly Hunter Human Interest Human Interest In America Jackie K. Cooper Jacksonville Jay Boyar Jim Sheridan John Beifuss John Wirt Julie Phillips Jordan Ken Hanke Knoxville KnoxvilleNews Sentinel Larry Toppman Lost in Translation Lost in Translation Mark Burger Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Matt Brunson Matt Soergel Memphis Mercy Sandberg-Wright Michael Clark Mystic River Naomi Sheridan Naomi Wattswas Nashville Nashville Scene Peter Jackson Peter Sarsgaard Philip Martin Philippa Boyens Rene Rodriguez Renée Zellweger Rick Grant Rick Harmon Sean Penn Shattered Glass Sheffield Sofia Coppola Something's Gotta Give Southeastern Film Critics Association Southeastern Film Critics Association Awards Stan Washington Steve Persall Steve Taylor Steve Warren The Advocate The Asheville Citizen-Times The AthensBanner Herald The Barbarian Invasions The Birmingham News The Boca Raton News The Charlotte Observer The Commercial Appeal The Daytona Beach News-Journal the Knoxville News Sentinel The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King the Miami Herald The Miami Herald The Montgomery Advertiser The News & Observer the Orlando Sentinel The Orlando Sentinel The Palm Beach Post The Post and Courier The Richmond Times-Dispatch The Sarasota Herald-Tribune The Station Agent The times The Times-Picayune The Virginian-Pilot The Weekly News The Winston-Salem Journal Thirteen Tim Robbins Todd Lothery Tony Kiss Tribune Winged Migration WKNO Public Radio