Sitges 2015 pays homage to Oliver Stone with the Grand Honorary Award
The renowned North American director Oliver Stone received the Grand Honorary Award from the 48th Sitges Film Festival.
Sitges paid homage to one of the international film industry greats: Oliver Stone. The Festival put out its read carpet to welcome the famous North American director and producer who received, at a multitudinous event at the Auditori, the Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia’s Grand Honorary Award.
Stone, with three Academy Awards and five Golden Globes under his belt and creator of unforgettable films like Platoon, Wall Street or JFK, shared his experience and knowledge in a jam packed Màster Class in the Tramuntana Room. Through questions from those attending, Stone reviewed different films from his extensive career, like Natural Born Killers, Nixon or World Trade Center, or his latest facet as a documentary director. Stone summed up his way of facing each project he takes on in three words, “vision, imagination and inspiration”.
12.10.2015 | About Spain's blog