"Views of America" American Independent Cinema Encounters of Tunis.Taking place in Tunis Tunisia, VOA is an event that has America as atheme through Independant cinema. The goal is to offer movieexperiences to the general public at large and students at Tunisia’sSchools of Cinema and audiovisual arts in particular. Most of theprojections are followed by strong debates and workshops involvingTunisian students and film makers invited to Tunis to talk about theircraft. One of the main partners of VOA in selecting films is AmericanFilm Institute AFI 20/20 Program. As a side event, a film contestcompetition open to film School students is organized each year.Participants have 2 months to come up with a 3 to 6 mns short film,around a theme promoting tolerance, dialogue and against extremism. Tenfilms are selected and prizes are awarded (digital camera andelectronic equipment). The best 3 young film makers win a trip to NewYork City.