Jury announce their decision for presentation at the forthcoming Berlin International Film Festival from 13 to 15 February 2010
SHOOTING STARS AWARDS donated by Studio Babelsberg
European Film Promotion (EFP) announced today the ten SHOOTING STARS of 2010, who will be introduced at its annual presentation of new acting talent at the Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale). This group of prominent young actors who come from across Europe have been chosen from a list of 21 potential candidates identified by the EFP's pan-European member organisations. SHOOTING STARS is supported by the MEDIA Programme of the European Union.
The following actors have been selected:
Zrinka Cvitesić (Croatia), Krystof Hádek (Czech Republic), Pihla Viitala (Finland), Robert Sheehan (Ireland), Michele Riondino (Italy), Anders Baasmo Christiansen (Norway), Agata Buzek (Poland), Dragoş Bucur (Romania), Lotte Verbeek (The Netherlands) and Edward Hogg (United Kingdom).
For further information on each of these actors please see below or go to http://www.shooting-stars.eu/
This year's jury consists of: Karl Baumgartner (Germany - Producer), Leo Davis (UK - Casting Director), Steven Gaydos (USA - Publishing Editor), Ana Geislerová (Czech Republic - Actress) and Giuseppe Piccioni (Italy - Director). Each of the nominated actors has been chosen for their outstanding work in feature films.
Jury's comment:
"As we worked individually and then met as a group, it was clear to all of us on the jury that this was an unusually rich year for European acting talent. Choosing ten actors was both difficult and exciting. When we had completed our task we discovered that this was a strong year especially for talent from Central and Eastern Europe. We also learned that the telling of challenging stories and new, dynamic filmmaking styles were assisted immeasurably by the contributions of these brave performers."
In 2010 the 13th edition of the SHOOTING STARS event will take place from Saturday 13 to Monday 15 February at the Berlinale, where the ten chosen actors will be presented to leading filmmakers and industry personnel as well as attend high profile events at the Festival. The highlight of the event will be when Festival Director Dieter Kosslick introduces the SHOOTING STARS to the Berlinale-Palast audience on Monday 15th February and gives out the SHOOTING STARS AWARDS - sponsored by Studio Babelsberg.
SHOOTING STARS is a unique pan-European initiative which helps to put emerging new acting talent at the forefront for the busy film and entertainment agenda which unfolds each year at the Berlinale.
The ten SHOOTING STARS of 2009 have, between them, worked on 28 films plus television dramas both in their native countries and abroad, for example Alba Rohrwacher (Italy) has six titles to her credit including the Venice and Toronto Festival nominated Io Sono l'amore, Carey Mulligan (UK) has also appeared in a similar number of films and is currently shooting Brighton Rock, Verónica Echegui (Spain) is garnering a lot of attention for her role in the UK film Bunny & The Bull, Orsi Tóth (Hungary) featured in two Venice titles, and Samuli Vauramo (Finland) had his US break in Bunraku.
During the year they have been introduced at international festivals and attended various workshops around the world, acting as the new ambassadors for European cinema and demonstrating their creative and artistic talents to international audiences.
More information on: http://www.shooting-stars.eu/en/index.php
06.12.2009 | Editor's blog
Cat. : actress Agata Buzek Alba Rohrwacher Alba Rohrwacher Ambassadors Aňa Geislerová Anders Baasmo Christiansen Anders Baasmo Christiansen Berlin International Film Festival Berlin International Film Festival Carey Mulligan Central Europe Contact Details Czech Republic Dieter Kosslick Dieter Kosslick Director Dragoș Bucur Eastern Europe editor Edward Hogg Entertainment Entertainment Europe European cinema European cinema European Film Promotion European Union Festival Film Giuseppe Piccioni http://www.shooting-stars.eu http://www.shooting-stars.eu/en/index.php Io Sono Karl Baumgartner Leo Davis Lotte Verbeek Lotte Verbeek Michele Riondino Netherlands Person Career Pihla Viitala Politics Politics Producer Robert Sheehan Samuli Vauramo Samuli Vauramo Shooting Stars Award Steven Gaydos Studio Babelsberg the Berlin International Film Festival the Shooting Stars Awards the Venice and Toronto Festival Toronto United Kingdom Venice Verónica Echegui PEOPLE