26th Moscow Festival opened June 18th with Kill Bill Volume2
Worth a lively press conference.
QUENTIN TARANTINO: “Thomas Edison invented the cine camera to shoot kisses and murders”
The guests were in a good mood; they were smiling, joking and evidently inclined to let the cameramen do their job. Quentin, dressed in black, was sipping red wine while answering the questions.
The Press conference was opened by its host, Pyotr Shepotinnik, who asked his first question: what did the American filmmakers feel when they received an invitation to come to Moscow?
Tarantino confessed that he loves visiting the countries where his films are on to observe the different public response. He said he was sorry not to have been able to come to Moscow with his KILL BILL.Vol.1 because he was already busy making KILL BILL.Vol.2. David Carradine’s answer was laconic: “Yes” meaning that his inner voice did not say “No” when he got an invitation from the 26th MIFF. Lawrence Bender told the audience that when he was a teenager, Russia was a forbidden land; so he has always dreamed of coming here.
The journalists were interested in many things, one of them being the filmmaker’s stance on such an important topical matter as relation of film and politics – in connection with the Cannes winner, Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore. Tarantino’s response was that, for him, film is by all means more important than politics, but when those two things coincide, the result might be very interesting. He added that if Michael Moore’s film was not so good from the cinematographic point of view, it would have never become the Palme d’Or winner.
Tarantino also spoke about being keen on Asian films: Hong Kong films of the 1980s, contemporary Japanese films, especially such as Takashi Miike’s ones which had had a great effect on Tarantino’s own manner and stylistics. Tarantino advised all that are keen on film to watch “New Wave” movie, such as Jean-Luc Godard, Francois Truffaut, Eric Romero and others.
As for the soundtracks to his films, which are usually no less original and engaging than the pictures themselves, the filmmaker said that he enjoys experimenting with music: sometimes he finds it amusing when the picture contradicts the corresponding soundtrack. He, by the way, mentioned that he has a big collection of recordings at home, which help him to compile his soundtracks. Tarantino also expressed a wish to listen to contemporary Russian music and, if possible, to speak to Russian composers. Does it mean that we can hope to hear familiar Russian melodies in his future films?
Tarantino does not confine himself to musical experiments: KILL BILL. Vol 2 suddenly made a sentimental turn in its final part. Tarantino: “I like taking a side way, a bit to the left. A mixture of different genres helps me to develop my own line of filmmaking”.
About violence on the screen, present in all Tarantino’s films, Quentin said: “I make genre films. Violence is an essential part of such films. I think Thomas Edison invented the cine camera to shoot kisses and murders. When there appears a gun, the film becomes interesting”
The day before the press conference Quentin visited the Museum of Film. The posters, costumes for “Ivan the Terrible”, Sergei Eisenstein’s camera prompted him, he said, to watch all Russian films he had in his home video collection. “It will stay in my heart and I will bring it home”. Quentin admitted being fond of Russian literature too. He thinks Russia’s contribution to the world cultural heritage is great. A propos, Tarantino is going to visit the grave of one of his favorite authors, Boris Pasternak, tomorrow.
On his part, David Carradine confessed that the role of Bill in Tarantino’s film is the most important in his acting career. “Before Quentin invited me to his film, I had appeared in films which were immediately released on video without being shown on the big screen. I do not actually film to make a career, but to earn my living”.
Lawrence Bender, the producer of all Tarantino films so far, summed up the interview saying that Quentin cannot live without watching or making films. According to Bender, his ability to perceive the qualities of this or that film helps him to make his own ones which people enjoy.