The Snake on a more modern Avery Binder. People born in the Year of the Snake are deep. They say little and possess great wisdom. They never have to worry about money.THE SNAKE by ManuelSeixasDesign a custom printed ring binder on zazzle ...
Body/soul/spirit-ties! Human beings relate with each other by Spirit, Soul and Body. Do your relationships produce bondage or Joy?THE SOUL TIES by ManuelSeixasMake neckties online at ...
Pure Action for everyone interested in skateboard decks, look at these beauties from the days when DESIGNS were different.THE RAMP by ManuelSeixasShop for skateboards made at zazzle...
A LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS. Dedication through Light and Darkness. Now, I'm going through LIFE. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood.A LIGHT THROUGH THE DARKNESS by ManuelSeixasMore Manuel Binders ...
Can be done anywhere, with no props without any scientific explanation, a phenomenon just like this binder.LEVITATION by ManuelSeixasMake your own custom binders online at Zazzle...
5***** Keds Shoes are for those who can afford it. My main mission is to create artworks, faces, to express my thoughts , the index of my mind.MISSION by ManuelSeixasView more Manuel Keds Shoes...
New Generation Art is the magical way to express my faith and my mind! Get exclusive content and interact with my contemporary designs.NEW GENERATION by ManuelSeixasDesign personalized binders on zazzle...
I build elegant artworks to communicate and interact with people to understand, work, and collaborate effectively across a variety of Art.FILAMENT by ManuelSeixasMake a custom printed 3 ring binder on zazzle"...
The need for change is obvious. If you don't want to rock your world in a dangerous way, think twice before making any sudden moves. Tell - it - like - it - is.CHANGE by ManuelSeixasMore Manuel Binders ...
When you think about what is most important to you - your own values - you are indeed thinking about your personal possessions. Take care of the senses and everything else will take care of itself.POSSESSIONS by ManuelSeixasBrowse more binders made on zazzle" mce_src=" POSSESSIONS by ManuelSeixasBrowse more binders made on zazzle" alt="" border="" hspace="" vspace="" width="" height="" align="" />...
Close your eyes for a few moments while you take deep relaxing breaths and imagine that you feel and see a golden light surrounding you and filling you with a feeling of peace and happiness.MAGIC by ManuelSeixasView other Manuel Binders ...
As we go into a period of considerable turbulence, primarily because of the impacts of climate change; keeping the Lights On shows how - a different way to think about energy.LIGHTS ON by ManuelSeixasSee other Manuel Mousepads ...
The fortune is yours if you taking my Golden Rush Pro Keds, a thrilling real-time strategy adventure.GOLDEN RUSH by ManuelSeixasSee other Manuel Keds Shoes ...
The wild and passion of our instinctive nature does not need to be broken. Each person must be encouraged to find his or her appropriate expression and contribution.NATURE by ManuelSeixasBrowse other Manuel Binders ...
Face the fire you can't turn away. Risk grows greater with each passing day. The moment has come to kill the fire and turn to the sun.FACE the FIRE by ManuelSeixasBrowse other Manuel Skateboards ...
Horrific conditions are prophesied to come. You can know where this world is headed and protect yourself! What will happen in 2010 is what you make of it only you can decided.WILL HAPPEN by ManuelSeixasSee other posters on zazzle"...
My Kingdom is not of this world! And now I reclaim this banner by god, my sword, and my name. My Kingdom brings love to broken hearts!MY KINGDOM by ManuelSeixasView more Manuel Binders ...
Applications now being accepted for passion, merit, method, style, sophistication. Enjoy satisfaction, say yes!SATISFACTION by ManuelSeixas Make your own skateboard decks on
The most powerful quality.TRUST by ManuelSeixasView more bumper stickers at zazzle...
This is the generation that must stop the spread of the pollution that is slowly killing our planet.GREEN PATH by ManuelSeixasBrowse Manuel Binders ...
Let the sun shine in your heart. Live life to the full. Just don't let it show. Change your perspective.Crazy Delight by Manuel Seixas...
Love, that's the message; will be the cure, I know! If you're wrong, you've got one single way, love. A tribute to all lovers!Stubbornness by Manuel Seixas...
Today we start our lives as women and men. So let's move our tassels and throw our hats into the sky, because we are the class of twenty ten. Wishing you a happy and jolly 2010!HAPPY 2010 by ManuelSeixasDesign bumper stickers on zazzle ...
You see, there are so many things that you can do to move on after a break up. You don't really have to rush back into a new relationship.MOVE ON by ManuelSeixasBrowse Manuel Keds Shoes ...
Pipe used to smoke tobacco; pipe used to smoke non-tobacco materials. THIS is the astonishing picture which could pay homage to hippies.Pipe by Manuel Seixas...