fmx/05: 10th International Conference on Animation, Effects, Realtime, and Content April 27th to April 30th , 2005 / Stuttgart, Haus der Wirtschaft A wealth of interesting contributions: one month before the event, you'd have to use a magnifying lens to find open slots in the agenda. In time for fmx's 10 th birthday, the crème de la crème of the animation and effects industry will be converging on Stuttgart for the most important forum for animation, visual effects and digital content in Ger...
CALENDRIER DES EVENEMENTS MIPDOC 2005 & MIPTV featuring MILIA 2005MIPDOC 2005 9–10 avrilCONFERENCE MIPDOCLE SHOWCASE DES PROGRAMMATEURSModérateur : Gary Lico, President / CEO, Cable Ready Corporation (USA)Intervenants :. Andy Halper, Senior Producer, Thirteen/WNET (USA). Fabrice Puchault, Programme Adviser, Documentary Unit, France3 (France). Ian Russell, Dept. Controller for News, CA & Documentaries, Five (GB). Janet H. Vissering, Senior Vice President, Strategic Development/CoFinance, Natio...