ViewFinders: International Film Festival for Youth Announces Award WinnersViewFinders: International Film Festival for Youth (VF4), April 19-23, 2005, a presentation of the Atlantic Film Festival, announced a diverse range of award winners from the Festival including those from the Animation Challenge and Movie Challenge and scholarship recipient.“From internationally celebrated moviemakers to young talent from our own backyard, this year’s awards celebrates the best in film for youth and by...
A meeting was held Tuesday in Montréal between representatives of the Atlantic Film Festival Association (AFF), the Festival international de films de Montréal (FIFM) and Telefilm Canada, to address issues ensuing the date overlap situation.All parties have agreed to work closely together to resolve logistical considerations, such as print movement, guest and press relations between the AFF and the FIFM.“I appreciated the candour of the meeting and understand the realities of the situation,...
The 4th annual ViewFinders: International Film Festival for Youth (VF4), April 19-23, 2005, a presentation of the Atlantic Film Festival, announced its line-up of close to 60 films and 40 workshops in its School Program and weekend family programs."This year’s program of workshops is fun, interactive and engaging," said Kellie Manning, ViewFinders Director. "From Jay Dahl’s Script to Screen to film lighting and animation workshops, we cover all the creative bases in our popular School Progra...
25th Atlantic Film Festival Blind-Sided by Festival International de Films de Montréal’s Recent Announcement of New DatesDuring a pivotal anniversary year, the 25th Atlantic Film Festival (AFF), September 15-24, 2005, has been blind-sided by the Festival International de Films de Montréal’s (FIFM) recent announcement of their new dates, September 18-25, which will completely overlap with those of AFF.“This is unacceptable,” said Gregor Ash, Executive Director, at a media conference in ...
All news, arts and entertainment media are invited to attend a media conference held by the 25th Atlantic Film Festival to discuss and answer questions regarding the impact of the Festival International de Films de Montréal’s recent announcement of their new dates that will now overlap with the Atlantic Film Festival and other major film festivals across Canada. Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2005Time: 1:00 pm -2:00 pm AST (12:00 pm -1:00 pm EST)Location: The Delta Halifax, 1990 Barrington Stree...
The Atlantic Film Festival Announces Performers for Scripts Out LoudThe 24th Atlantic Film Festival (September 17-25, 2004) is pleased announce that ACTRA Maritimes member actors Kristin Bell, Krista MacDonald, Dawn McKelvie Cyr, Tara Doyle, Brian Heighton, Njeri Watkins, Jeff Wright and Darrell Yates will perform, in front of a live audience, excerpts from four scripts that were developed through the Script Development Project at the annual Scripts Out Loud. Scripts Out Loud takes place on Sept...
The 24th Atlantic Film Festival (AFF) announced today that Brett Hendrie, Michael Melski and Stephen Reynolds have been selected for the Atlantic Jury and Charles Bishop, Duncan Hall and Paul Quinn have been selected for the Canadian Jury for this year’s Festival, September 17-25, 2004. The Atlantic Jury chooses 11 Atlantic awards while the Canadian Jury chooses two awards.“We made the decision to divide the jury into two this year because the intensive jury process for such a large program...