The computer animated graduate film "Loom" by Ilija Brunck, Jan Bitzer, Csaba Letay, Fabian Pross and Regina Welker - all of which are students at the Institute of Animation, Visual Effects and Digital Postproduction at the Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg - has received the Best in Show Award at the SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival in Los Angeles."Loom" tells the story of a moth getting entangled in a spider web. Fighting for survival, it is caught up more and more by the web and therefore s...
Early this morning FMX 2010, the 15th Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Interactive Media ended with a booming party. The biggest expert meeting in Europe maxed out capacities for the venue of Haus der Wirtschaft. On each of the four days way over 3.000 international animation specialists, visitors and young talents from 41 countries rarely found free seats in one of the simultaneous programs in the other ten rooms and had to sit on the floor. You could hardly miss t...
Early this morning FMX 2010, the 15th Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Interactive Media ended with a booming party. The biggest expert meeting in Europe maxed out capacities for the venue of Haus der Wirtschaft. On each of the four days way over 3.000 international animation specialists, visitors and young talents from 41 countries rarely found free seats in one of the simultaneous programs in the other ten rooms and had to sit on the floor. You could hardly miss the positive atmosph...
FMX 2010 15th Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Interactive Media
May 04-07, 2010
In the beginning of May, most of the big names in digital entertainment will collectively gather in Germany's Southwest. FMX 2010, the 15th Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Interactive Media, the 17th Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film and the business platform Animation Production Day are three events enjoying high international standing.
FMX preparations: the final cou...
FMX 2010: 15th Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Interactive MediaMay 04-07, 2010, Stuttgart, GermanyMulti-disciplined thinking draws cinema, television, computer, console and mobile screens even closer, reinventing them to remain competitive. FMX has been part of this process for more than 15 years now, introducing the world’s leading experts in the creation, production and distribution of digital entertainment and interactive visualization. Grown with the industrySince its foundin...
fmx/09 ran from May 05 through May 08, 2009
In the early hours of Saturday morning, fmx/09 drew to a close as the most persevering guests finally left the closing party. Once again, the 14th International Conference for Animation, Effects, Games and Digital Media gathered an international community of CGI enthusiasts in Stuttgart. Animation has long become a key technology shared across a wide range of media, going beyond animated films to live-action films and television shows as wel...
fmx/09 ran from May 05 through May 08, 2009In the early hours of Saturday morning, fmx/09 drew to a close as the most persevering guests finally left the closing party. Once again, the 14th International Conference for Animation, Effects, Games and Digital Media gathered an international community of CGI enthusiasts in Stuttgart. Animation has long become a key technology shared across a wide range of media, going beyond animated films to live-action films and television shows as well as compute...