The Sweet Auburn Film Festival Organization is an affiliate of MCBC Community Development, a nonprofit, whose efforts include empowering and improving the educational and social conditions of at-risk youth through film. The Sweet Auburn Film Festival seeks to provide opportunities for independent film makers while simultaneously raising funds to develop short films, produced by local students, to be used during local and national mentoring and HIV prevention campaigns. As such, the S...
Featuring Emily Blunt, Elizabeth Banks, Kate Beckinsale, Russell Crowe, Sean Penn, Diane Kruger, Kristin Scott Thomas, Naomi Watts, Rachel Bilson, Mary J Blige, Alan Cumming, Naomi Campbell, Kirsten Dunst, Marion Cotillard, Benicio Del Toro, Harvey Weinstein, Giorgio Armani, Ana Beatriz Barros, Roberto Cavalli, amfAR Chairman Kenneth Cole, Peter Dundas, Tom Ford, Cuba Gooding Jr., Eva Green, Natalie Imbruglia, Ryan Kavanaugh, Karl Lagerfeld, Diego Luna, Bar Refaeli, Carine Roitfeld, Mallika Sh...
November 29th - December 4th, 2006
The New York AIDS Film Festival, now in its fourth year, is a five-day series of HIV- and AIDS-related film screenings, panel discussions, and special events. The festival takes place each year during the first week of December (World AIDS Week). The 2006 festival will also serve to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the first diagnosed case of AIDS.
The NYAFF mission is to utilize visual media to prompt social action in the fight against the global AIDS...
November 29th - December 4th, 2006 The New York AIDS Film Festival, now in its fourth year, is a five-day series of HIV- and AIDS-related film screenings, panel discussions, and special events. The festival takes place each year during the first week of December (World AIDS Week). The 2006 festival will also serve to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the first diagnosed case of AIDS. The NYAFF mission is to utilize visual media to prompt social action in the fight against the global AIDS pa...