"Film festivals for the LGBT community are not just about cinema”, Lesli Klainberg, NewFest’s Executive Director commented in a phone interview. “They have always functioned as community building events where like-minded audiences can commune in the presence of filmmakers in a shared experience.” This cinematic sharing begins later this week as NewFest: The New York Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Film Festival kicks off an ambitious season of films currently playin...
FULL FEATURE LINEUP (STARRED FILMS INDICATE FILMS ELIGIBLE FOR NEWFEST's JURY AWARDS)FEATURE NARRATIVE LINEUP2 Frogs in the West, dir. Dany Papineau (NY PREMIERE)3, dir. Tom Tykwer (NY PREMIERE)A Few Days of Respite (Quelque jours de respit), dir. Amor Hakkar (NY PREMIERE)August, dir. Eldar Rapaport (NY PREMIERE) **Blackmail Boys, dir. Bernard & Richard Shumanski **Buffering, dir. Darren Flaxstone & Christian Martin (NY PREMIERE)Circumstance, dir. Maryam Keshavarz **Codependent Lesbian Space Al...
NewFest (www.NewFest.org), the New York Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender film festival is coming to locations across the city, July 21-28. The festival will open and close at the Film Society of Lincoln Center and will be headquartered throughout the week at Chelsea's SVA Theater and Cinema Village. Special satellite screenings will be held at The Museum of the Moving Image in Queens, the Brooklyn Academy of Music, the Jewish Community Center on the Upper West Side, and Harlem Stage. Pri...
61st Berlinale: World Cinema in the Panorama
After visiting Asia, North and South America as well as many European countries to view and select films, 24 works - that is just under half of the 50 films to be presented in the Panorama section - are now certain. They provide lively insight into the creations of world cinema during the so-called post-crisis era. What's more, they reveal that documentary film continues to be strong in 2011: documentaries again make up about a third of the pro...
I am delighted to finally post my long awaited interview of the talented, witty and busy (wow! Check out her credits!) TV and film actress Deborah Theaker. Read our informative and funny UCAP interview below.
ME: Hi Deborah. Thanks for being here. First, can you speak about how you got into acting? Was it something you always knew you wanted to do?
DEBORAH: I was always into movies and entertainment since I was kne...
FEATURES/DOCUMENTARIES2006 MIAMI GAY & LESBIAN FILM FESTIVAL20 CENTIMETERS (Director Ramón Salazar)The musical journey of a lively narcoleptic transsexual who works the streets of Madrid for the money that she needs for her impending sexual reassignment (Spain – Florida Premiere)50 WAYS OF SAYING FABULOUS (Director Stewart Main)An overweight girly-boy and his tomboy best friend live out adventures from their favorite TV show Adventures In Space… with Billy playing the pony tailed heroine La...
FESTIVAL BUZZ REPORT – DAY 3: MGLFF News, Gossip, Pictures *The girls definitely were out in force yesterday as the festival enjoyed one of its best days of ticket sales yet. Popular screenings, especially for Girl Play, had people lining up early for rush tickets. *The Annual Planet Out.com Short Movie Awards celebrated the best of the best with the presentation of award winning films at the Regal Cinemas. Joining Festival Program Director Carol Coombes were Planet Out’s handsome Mark Elde...