The Reluctant Fundamentalist, the new film directed by Mira Nair, will be the opening film at the 69th Venice International Film Festival (29 August – 8 September 2012), directed by Alberto Barbera and organized by la Biennale di Venezia chaired by Paolo Baratta. The Reluctant Fundamentalist is produced by Lydia Dean Pilcher and presented by Doha Film Institute.
Based on the best-selling novel of the same title, translated into 25 languages, The Reluctant Fundamentalist is a...
The Reluctant Fundamentalist, the new film directed by Mira Nair, will be the opening film at the 69th Venice International Film Festival (29 August – 8 September 2012), directed by Alberto Barbera and organized by la Biennale di Venezia chaired by Paolo Baratta. The Reluctant Fundamentalist is produced by Lydia Dean Pilcher and presented by Doha Film Institute.
Based on the best-selling novel of the same title, translated into 25 languages, The Reluctant Fundamentalist is a riv...
Liam Neeson will be this year's recipient of the Krzysztof Kieslowski Award at the 18th Plus Camerimage Film Festival in Poland. The Award, founded in memory of the late director, recognizes Liam Neeson's outstanding artistic achievement in film - a body of work that reflects and personifies Kieślowski's ideals on the universal truth about humanity and human emotions. Past honorees include Ralph Fiennes, Irene Jacob, Charlize Theron, Isabelle Huppert and Julia Ormond.
Hosted by Grażyna T...
Panels, Readings, & Special Events with Industry Insiders at The 13th Annual Hamptons International Film Festival: October 19-23, 2005The Hamptons International Film Festival (October 19-23)offers a number of interactive events including Festival Panels at the Southampton Inn, Bookhampton Talks sponsored by Time Warner Books, the Cinematography Master Class with Declan Quinn, a Daily Town Hall at the Festival Lounge, the Industry Mentor Forum and Conversations with our Rising Star mentors Alec B...
Cold Creek Manor" was born when screenwriter and executive producer Richard Jefferies was writing "Tron 2.0" for Walt Disney Pictures. Over dinner with the studio's top creative executives one night, Jefferies mentioned an idea that he had been toying with for several years. It was a thriller about a family that moves from the city to the country, where they buy a great old fixer-upper house. But their dream turns into a nightmare when the home's former owner shows up and a mystery unravels. ...