The 2011 Atlanta Jewish Film Festival ( -- the second biggest film festival of its type in America -- is featuring an unprecedented number of independent features -- from "Jews & Baseball: An American Love Story" to "The SoCalled Movie" and other acclaimed films on the festival circuit ("The Human Resources Manager," "Little Rose," "Five Brothers," "Bride Flight," "Vidal Sassoon The Movie," "The Trosky,...
These are films for kids between the ages of 2 and 18 that KIDS FIRST! believes to have universal appeal, exhibit outstanding attributes in terms of their production values and portray values and have qualities that make them as applicable today as the day they were first released. We know that media has the power to influence children, negatively or positively. The films on this list portray the values and ethics that we, as a culture wish to instill in our children. The idea behind this list ...
Festival images mouvementées 6° édition : « Identités sans frontières » Du 2 au 8 avril 2008 au Cinéma Les 7 Parnassiens98, bd du Montparnasse 75014 Paris Reconduite à la frontière, centres de rétention, immigration choisie, tests génétiques en vue d'un regroupement familial, autant de mots d'un vocabulaire désormais banalisé en France qui témoignent de l'instaurati
La quatrième édition de "Films sous les étoiles" prend de l’altitude et embarque « cinévores » et cinéphiles, vers « l’infini et au-delà ».La conquête du ciel et l’aventure aéronautique, et leurs pionniers décollant des coteaux du Val de Seine, ont inspiré de nombreux réalisateurs.Pendant trois jours et trois nuits, les jardins de Saint-Cloud, vont à nouveau résonner sous les vrombissements des machines volantes grâce aux 14 projections proposées.Historique, sc...
Three talented artists from the Academy award-winning team at Sony Pictures Imageworks (US) and Sony Pictures Animation will be anchoring the Australian Effects & Animation Festival Sydney. They will be providing an inside view of three of the year’s biggest cinema events: Superman Returns, Monster House and Open Season.
Day One sees Imageworks’ animation supervisor Troy Saliba deliver the opening presentation on the animated feature film Monster House, which utilizes the proprietary Ima...
The Savannah Film Festival presented the 2005 awards for student and professional competition films tonight at 7 p.m. at Trustees Theater, 216 E. Broughton St. The awards ceremony capped off the eight-day festival, which screened more than 50 films.Awards winners are as follows:HBO Films Producer Award: «Plagues and Pleasures» Producer, Christopher MetzlerBest Director: Doug Sadler, «Swimmers»Best Narrative Feature: «Swimmers» Director, Doug SadlerBest Documentary: « Plagues and Pleasu...
Lumet and Falk among honorees at 2005 Savannah Film FestivalFestival, hosted by Savannah College of Art and Design, scheduled for Oct. 29-Nov. 5 in historic downtown Savannah, Ga.The eighth annual Savannah Film Festival, hosted by the Savannah College of Art and Design, has named legendary director Sidney Lumet and actor Peter Falk the recipients of the festival’s annual Lifetime Achievement Awards. Actress Natasha Richardson will also be honored during the weeklong festival.Lumet, known for a...