French filmmaker Yann Arthus-Bertrand chose MIPCOM to show excerpts from his latest warning on climate change, an offshoot of his project titled ‘6 Billion Others.”
The umbrella project is a compilation of 5000 interviews shot in 74 countries over four years where ordinary people testify as to what it is to be part of the human race. It was first presented at the Grand P...
Cineaste also says “Free distribution doesn’t work” French filmmaker Yann Arthus-Bertrand chose MIPCOM to show excerpts from his latest warning on climate change, an offshoot of his project titled ‘6 Billion Others.”The umbrella project is a compilation of 5000 interviews shot in 74 countries over four years where ordinary people testify as to what it is to be part of the human race. It was first presented at the Grand Palais in Paris in January 2009.Using the same technique of direct-...
The 25th edition of MIPCOM, the indispensable meeting place for the world's audio-visual industry, throws opens its doors on Monday, October 5th, in Cannes.
The global content event runs until next Friday. During these intense few days, the 13,500 participants from 4500 companies from every corner in the world will again chart the course for entertainment content across all platforms. If it hasn't been co-produced, bought, sold, financed, distributed or at least seriously discusse...
The 25th edition of MIPCOM, the indispensable meeting place for the world’s audio-visual industry, throws opens its doors on Monday, October 5th, in Cannes. The global content event runs until next Friday. During these intense few days, the 13,500 participants from 4500 companies from every corner in the world will again chart the course for entertainment content across all platforms. If it hasn’t been co-produced, bought, sold, financed, distributed or at least seriously discussed at MIPCO...
MIP TV Update: New Technologies Fire Warning Shot at BroadcastersAd-Skipping Could Cause Losses of $27 Billion in Next Five YearsNew research suggests greater DVR impact than previously thought, according to new research released today by Accenture, a New York-headquartered management and technology consultancy firm. Their report predicts that ad skipping through devices like Tivo and other PVR’s (personal video recorders) plus VOD (video on demand) could cost the TV industry $27 billion in l...