The Lone Star International Film Festival, hosted by the Lone Star Film Society, is a year round series of programs culminating in a five day celebration of cinema in November. In its first two years, the festival has welcomed artists and filmmakers such as Martin Sheen, T-Bone Burnett, Robert Rodriguez, Harry Dean Stanton, Bill Paxton, Fred Durst, Melonie Diaz, Jason Ritter, James Manos, Lauren Velez, Rod Hardy, Paul Soter, Jay Chandrasekhar and Donal Logue among many others. Each year the fest...
2009 marks the 15th anniversary of the Slamdance Film Festival, one of the few remaining movie showcases whose sole mission is to nurture, support and introduce truly independent works from first-time filmmakers. This celebratory year takes place in Park City, Utah, January 15 – 23 and will screen about 100 films in total in all genres. However, in what is one of the toughest and most-aggressive competitions among festivals, only 20 features in the narrative and documentary feature categories...