THE 23rd EUROPEAN FILM AWARDS:The EFA Selection 2010It is with great pleasure that the European Film Academy and EFA Productions gGmbH announce the titles of the 46 films on this year’s selection list, the list of films recommended for a nomination for the European Film Awards 2010! With 32 countries represented, the list once again illustrates the great diversity in European cinema. In the 20 countries with the most EFA Members, these members have voted one national film directly into the sel...
At the Seville European Film Festival the European Film Academy and EFA Productions announced the nominations for the 21st European Film Awards. The 1,800 EFA Members will now vote for the winners which will be presented during the Awards Ceremony on 6 December in Copenhagen. Nominated are: EUROPEAN FILM 2008IL DIVO, Italywritten and directed by Paolo Sorrentinoproduced by Indigofilm, Lucky Red, Parco Film, Babe Films, StudioCanal,Arte France CinémaENTRE LES MURS (The Class), Francedirected by ...
EUROPEAN FILM AWARDS 2008in alphabetical order (please note that articles (a, the/le, la/el, il, etc) are ignored)3 DIAS (Before the Fall), Spaindirected by Francisco Javier Gutierrezwritten by Juan Velarde & F. Javier Gutierrezproduced by Maestranza Films, Green Moon Prod., PentagramaSynopsis: What would you do if the world was going to end in 72 hours? What would your neighbours, your family, the whole world do? The Secretary General of the Council of Nations has announced that a giganti...
The selection list for the European Film Awards 2008 has been announced and includes 44 titles. Once again, with 27 countries represented this year, the selection vividly illustrates the great diversity in European cinema.In the 20 countries with the most EFA members, these members have voted one national film directly into the selection list (marked with a *). To complete the list, a Selection Committee consisting of EFA Board Members and invited experts Gunnar Bergdahl (Sweden), Stefan Kitanov...
NOMINATIONS FOR THE EUROPEAN FILM AWARDS 2004:EUROPEAN FILM 2004ETT HÅL I MITT HJÄRTA (A Hole In My Heart), Sweden/Denmarkdirected by Lukas Moodyssonproduced by Memfis Film, Zentropa, Film I Väst, SVT, Nordic Film- & TV FundGEGEN DIE WAND (Head-On), Germanydirected by Fatih Akinproduced by Wüste Filmproduktion /Corazon International /NDR /ARTELA MALA EDUCACIÓN (Bad Education), Spaindirected by Pedro Almodóvarproduced by El Deseo D.A., S.L.U.LES CHORISTES (The Chorus), France/Switzerlanddir...