the 11th Annual New York Indian Film Festival kicked off in spectacular fashion on Wednesday night, May 4, with the Opening Night celebration which featured the U.S. Premiere of the Delhi-set comedy "Do Dooni Chaar," Disney's first live-action Hindi film. The star-studded red carpet premiere, held at Manhattan's prestigious Paris Theater, was attended by special guests Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Singh Kapoor along with writer/director Habib Faisal. Also attending the premiere were Aparna...
The MIAAC Indian Film Festival, sponsored by the Mahindra Indo-American Arts Council, wrapped up five days of premiere screenings, special events, chic parties and industry networking events with a gala awards ceremony on Sunday night, November 15th at the Walter Reade Theatre at New York's Lincoln Center. The ceremony included the US premiere of Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury’s ANTAHEEN. Stars Rahul Bose and Kalyan Roy attended the premiere along with actors and filmmakers including Sh...
More than 2,000 short films from over 40 countries were submitted to the 2008 Slamdance Film Festival, and 67 have been selected to screen by the Shorts Programming Committee, which is comprised of Slamdance alumni filmmakers. Each of the 67 shorts is now in competition and eligible for a Grand Jury Award. As always, the Slamdance Film Festival will run concurrently with the Sundance Film Festival, January 17-25, in Park City, Utah. Slamdance and the box-office will be headquartered and its fil...
Friday, December 1-----The Gotham Awards, held in a former luxury cruise line docking pier on the Hudson River, has become New York's biggest film party. Now in its 16th year, it has established a reputation and a following among the indie film world, particularly filmmakers, executives and talent that call New York home. It has reorganized in the past year (after splitting with the former IFP West, which presents the Independent Spirit Awards in Los Angeles over Oscar weekend), putting great...
At an event tonight set at New York City’s PIER SIXTY at Chelsea Piers, the winners were announced for IFP’s 16th Annual GOTHAM AWARDS hosted by comedian David Cross. The Gotham Awards will be broadcast on NYC TV (Channel 25) on December 6, 2006 from 9-11pm EST, and will be presented with exclusive webcast coverage via IFILM.COM beginning on December 4, 2006.The annual Gotham Awards, presented by IFP, celebrate the authentic voices behind and in front of the camera in films made this year. ...