film still from MY SWEET CANARY (2011), opening film for 13th TDF
Images of the 21st Century
March 11 – 20, 2011
The 13th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival - Images of the 21st Century, part of the Thessaloniki International Film Festival, presents approximately 220 films (shorts and features) by directors from all over the world, as well as a full parallel events program (previously announced on February 25).
One of the rarest things to find at a medium-sized film festival are films that have never been seen at another festival venue. World Premieres are a highly prized status that most festivals attempt to attract, but with the exception of the largest, rarely succeed in attracting.So, it was with a mix of curiosity and excitement that I noticed that at this year's Palm Beach International Film Festival, there are a number of films making their world debuts at the event. The decision to showcase one...
Saturday, April 12-------One of the rarest things to find at a medium-sized film festival are films that have never been seen at another festival venue. World Premieres are a highly prized status that most festivals attempt to attract, but with the exception of the largest, rarely succeed in attracting.So, it was with a mix of curiosity and excitement that I noticed that at this year's Palm Beach International Film Festival, there are a number of films making their world debuts at the event. ...
Awards Ceremony held Saturday 15th at the Olympion concluded an 8 day long festival that screened over 150 films to a crowd of about 40 000, despite extreme weather conditions (strong sun that got all crowds on bar terraces...)The final ceremony concluded with a poignant screening of the documentary "as seen through these eyes", about drawings and paintings from children in the concentration camps.Party followed at the Santé BarThe folllowing prizes were delivered.THE HELLENIC RED CROSS AUDIENC...
The 9th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival – Images of the 21st Century (March 16-25, 2007)The ERT3 Audience Award for a film over 45’ in the International Selection, accompanied by Euros 3,000, goes to: “A SONG FOR ARGYRIS” by Stefan Haupt, USA, 2005The ERT3 Audience Award for a film under 45’ in the International Selection, accompanied by Euros 2,000, goes to:“THE BLOOD OF YINGZHOU DISTRICT” by Ruby Yang, China/ USA, 2006The ERT3 Audience Award for a Greek film over 45’, accompa...