In a rare opportunity to contemplate the nature of their own existence and explore the essence of inner peace, dozens of inmates at two Texas prisons gained insights during screenings of the award-winning documentary film Dalai Lama Renaissance, narrated by Harrison Ford ( The film screened at the prisons as part of an ethics program organized by “Project Clear Light,” a nonprofit Buddhist volunteer organization that works with the Texas Department of Criminal Just...
MOONDANCE 2007 AUDIENCE FAVORITE FILMS*FEATURE FILM: Waiting for Dublin, Roger Tucker, directorSHORT FILM: The Windfisherman, Anna McRoberts, directorFEATURE DOCUMENTARY FILM: Dalai Lama Renaissance, Khashyar Darvich, directorSHORT DOCUMENTARY FILM: Honor Killing, Jessica Habie, directorANIMATION FILM: Mirage, Youngwoong Jang, directorSHORT FILM FOR KIDS: Dance of the Blue Angels, Steve Lichtag, directorMUSIC VIDEO: Never Ending, Martin Chab, director*compiled from audience comments during the f...