One of the highlights of this year’s festival is the solo retrospective on filmmaker Peter Tscherkassky, which introduces and honors his work. Tscherkassky is one of the internationally most prominent and renowned representatives of avant-garde film. Since the mid-80’s, the 52-year old Viennese has produced unique films drawing upon found footage of largely Hollywood productions. Frame for frame the filmmaker copies details and fragments from these sources in the dark room by using elaborate...
SPARK OF BEING, a found footage film by celebrated avant-garde filmmaker Bill Morrison, is making its World Premiere this week in Wroclaw, Poland at the AMERICAN FILM FESTIVAL (AFF), the first film event in Eastern Europe solely devoted to the works of contemporary and classic American cinema. Like his earlier film DECASIA (2002), Morrison uses disparate found footage extracts and a dynamic score to create a unique film experience that communicate many different layers of resona...
A Movie (Bruce Conner)
Friday, October 3------One of the more intriguing traditions of the New York Film Festival is its commitment to showcase experimental work that often goes neglected in the go-go atmosphere of the film business. Now in its 11th year, Views From The Avant-Garde is a treasure trove of new ideas, new media and inspiration from visual artists looking to smash tradition and test the horizons of the new.
Most of the films and video pieces presen...
One of the more intriguing traditions of the New York Film Festival is its commitment to showcase experimental work that often goes neglected in the go-go atmosphere of the film business. Now in its 11th year, Views From The Avant-Garde is a treasure trove of new ideas, new media and inspiration from visual artists looking to smash tradition and test the horizons of the new. Most of the films and video pieces presented this weekend are short form, and have been bundled under the elegiac titles o...
5th Rewind/Fast Forward Film & Video Fest JULY 28-30, 2006 The moving image, in cinema and broadcast forms, has transformed daily life since the first newsreels transported American families from their living rooms to the battlefields of Europe and then propelled them out of those living rooms to local movie theaters in droves. The Louis Wolfson II Florida Moving Image Archive is a treasure trove of historical and documentary footage for filmmakers. A very unique festival, now in its fifth year...
INDEPENDENT FILM SHOW 5th Edition16 - 17 - 18 - 19 november 2005 Palazzo delle Arti - PAN (via dei Mille, 60 - 80122 Napoli)The Independent Film Show is devoted to the exhibition of experimental film. In a way, it is not surprising that this film festival is organized by an art gallery, as experimental film has certainly as much to do, or far more to do, with the plastic arts than it does with cinema, as conceived in its most classic and commonly accepted sense. It is film considered as an art ...