The British production The Other Man, starring Liam Neeson, Antonio Banderas, Laura Linney and directed by Richard Eyre, will open the 56th San Sebastian Film Festival. Based on the tale by the German author, Bernard Schlink, in his book Liebesfluchten/Flights of Love, the film describes a love triangle and a romantic obsession with elements of intrigue.Director Richard Eyre, who debuted with a long career in British TV, has shown particular talent for the dramatic portrayal of amorous relations...
Tribute to Laura Linney: Lessons in passion and grace By MARC LEE for AFI online dailies Daily News Editor With speeches from Philip Seymour Hoffman, Mark Ruffalo, an introduction by LA Weekly film critic and editor Scott Foundas and a wealth of stunning film clips, AFI FEST's tribute to Laura Linney brought the ArcLight audience to its feet more than once. Appearing at the AFI FEST Rooftop Village with fiance Marc Schauer, Linney had a brief moment of calm before having her portrait take...
Monday, October 15---------The Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival (affectionately referred to as FLIFF) hangs its reputation on its eclectic mix of films, and the uncommon loyalty of its audiences. As FLIFF heads into its 22nd annual edition (October 11 - November 14), the Festival will unveil 175 films from 26 countries, including 17 World Premieres, 8 U.S Premieres, 4 East Coast Premieres, 36 Southeast Premieres and 33 Florida Premieres. In all, the event will showcase 70 Featur...
Monday, October 15---------The Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival (affectionately referred to as FLIFF) hangs its reputation on its eclectic mix of films, and the uncommon loyalty of its audiences. As FLIFF heads into its 22nd annual edition (October 11 - November 14), the Festival will unveil 175 films from 26 countries, including 17 World Premieres, 8 U.S Premieres, 4 East Coast Premieres, 36 Southeast Premieres and 33 Florida Premieres. In all, the event will showcase 70 Featur...