A young German-French jury from TV5MONDE and the German-French Youth Office (GFYO) awarded today the independent prize for the sixth time at the 59th Berlin International Film Festival. This year, the film Gitti from Anna Deutsch received the prize. The „Dialogue en perspective“ was initiated in 2004 by the international francophone television channel TV5MONDE and the Berlinale, and is awarded in cooperation with the GFYO to a film from the section Perspektive Deutsches Kino.
The young ...
A young German-French jury from TV5MONDE and the German-French Youth Office (GFYO) awarded today the independent prize for the sixth time at the 59th Berlin International Film Festival. This year, the film Gitti from Anna Deutsch received the prize. The „Dialogue en perspective“ was initiated in 2004 by the international francophone television channel TV5MONDE and the Berlinale, and is awarded in cooperation with the GFYO to a film from the section Perspektive Deutsches Kino. The young jury ...
Foreign media representatives based in Paris gathered at the Académie des Lumières to present the 2008 Lumiere Awards honoring the year’s most outstanding achievements in French and francophone films.
Paris, January 20, 2009. Foreign media representatives based in Paris gathered together at the Académie des Lumières last night, presented the 2008 Lumiere Awards, France’s answer to the Golden Globes, in recognition of outstanding achievement in the French and French-...
The Festival of German Films will be held in Paris for the twelfth time from 10 - 16 October 2007. In total, 15 new feature films, one TV movie, four documentaries, six shorts and the NEXT GENERATION 2007 short film program will be presented in the Cinéma L’Arlequin.The festival will be opened by Martin Gypkens' NOTHING BUT GHOSTS (NICHTS ALS GESPENSTER) which received an enthusiastic audience response at the international festival in Locarno. The director and the actresses Maria Simon and In...
Sunday, February 11---Seven young film fans from Germany and France comprise the independent jury that will determine the DIALOGUE EN PERSPECTIVE prize, which is awarded to a German feature film in the Perspektive Deutsches Kino section of the Berlinale. The prize was initiated in 2004 by the French TV Channel TV5MONDE and the Berlinale, and will be awarded in collaboration with the Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk (DFJW).
In view of the large number of excellent entries, the selection commit...
Perspektive Deutsches Kino: Der Lebensversicherer by Bülent Akinci wins „Dialogue en perspective“Young German-French jury by TV5MONDE and German-French Youth Office (DFJW) awards the prize “Dialogue en perspective” for the third time The young jury set up by TV5MONDE and the German-French Youth Office together with the Berlinale today awarded the independent jury prize to the film Der Lebensversicherer by Bülent Akinci. A young jury consisting of seven German and French film enthusias...