The Superman Celebration Fan Film Festival is a film festival and contest dedicated to showcasing fan-made films about superheroes, supervillains, and comic-book-related content. Sponsored and hosted by Superman Celebration, the world's largest festival dedicated to Superman, and the Metropolis Chamber of Commerce, the Superman Celebration Fan Film Festival screens films from around the world and celebrates the creativity and ingenuity of filmmakers as they bring to life their favorite characters from comics books, films, television, literature, and other media.
The festival is open to short, family-friendly fan films of 18 minutes or less. A top prize of $300 each is awarded to the Best Dramatic Fan Film, the Best Comedic Fan Film, and The Best "Super Grab Bag" Fan Film.
Introduced for the 2015 Festival, the "Super Grab Bag" category is a challenge for filmmakers to create a fan film with three off-the-wall required elements. This year's required elements are a mop, an avocado, and a dentist.
Films will be screened during Superman Celebration in Metropolis, Illinois, June 11th-14th, 2015. Prizes will be awarded during a special ceremony. Date, time, and location will be announced on the Superman Celebration website at
The deadline for entry is May 8th, 2015 at 5:00 pm CST. Entry rules and forms can be found at
Superman Celebration attracts around 40,000 fans from around the world every year. It is sponsored by the Metropolis Chamber of Commerce and the City of Metropolis, Illinois and is held annually during the second weekend in June. The festival features celebrity appearances, comics artists and writers, musical acts, a costume contest, and a wide array of programming for superhero fans of all ages.