ÉCU- The European Independent Film Festival is giving first-time filmmakers an even greater chance getting their work seen at the ÉCU Film Festival in Paris on the March 30th to April 1st 2012.
If you enter your FIRST EVER short film (made after Jan 2010) into the ÉCU FIRSTS category, ÉCU will waive the submission fee and will guarantee a screening of your film in Paris in our special ÉCU FIRSTS screening area. All you have to do is to be at the festival to reserve your screening time an...
A film adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's 'The
Colour Out of Space'. An unnamed narrator pieces together the story of
an area known by the locals as the "blasted heath" in the wild hills
west of Arkham, Massachusetts. Listening to the experiences of an old
man by the name of Ammi Pierce, the narrator discovers that many years
ago a meteorite crashed into lands then-owned by a farmer ...
15 November · 19:30 - 22:00
Cafe Coutume, 47 rue de Babylone, 75007, Paris.
Created by:
The European Independent Film Festival
More info
- The European Independent Film Festival presents a Special Screening
on the 15th of November 2011 at Cafe Cout...
Yonathan Levy is a rising Israeli/French filmmaker who won ÉCU 2010′s Film of the Festival (Europe’s Best Independent Film 2010) with his touching film, Das Kind. ÉCU caught up with him at a recent screening of his film at La Mémorial de la Shoah here in Paris.
1. How did it feel to win ÉCU 2010’s Best Film award in Paris?
I felt very honored to get the award, and at the same time very surprised as it was the World Premiere of “Das Kind”. ...
ÉCU and Canal 180: a new television channel on the Portuguese cable TV
scene and totally dedicated to culture.
ÉCU is pleased to present its new media partner: OSTV and its channel Canal 180. Canal 180 is an award-winning independent television project designed to cover a wide spectrum of cultural activity in Portugal. It is committed to promoting and developing national talent, as well as creating new content formats.
It will be the first collaborative and interactive cultural cha...
ÉCU's top 5 things to do in Paris in November
Although the beginning of November is another milestone on the way to the deep midwinter, don’t despair! ÉCU has come up with a calendar of great things to do in and around Paris in the world of cinema.
Even though the arrival of autumn spells the end of our Indian summer, thanks to the Festival d’Automne there will be lots to keep everyone’s mind off the gloom outside. Since 1972, the festival has offered challenging contemporary cul...
The in-depth story and thirteen year journey of one extraordinary pilot who lost her career and health to what many say is aviation's biggest cover up. This film relives the story of Melbourne born Susan Michealis through extensive footage and interviews.
La profondeur et l'histoire de treizeans de voyage d'unepilote extraordinaire, qui a perdusacarrière et sa santé d'après beaucoup de ...
NEW SUBMISSION TO ÉCU 2012 - Family feuds, grief, loss, and ultimately redemption come together in “Sweet Focus”. But is it enough to win at ÉCU 2012? Check out the trailer! /// Nouvelle soumission à l’ÉCU 2012 - les querelles familiales, le deuil, la perte, et finalement la rédemption sont réunis dans «Sweet Focus ». C’est suffisant à gagner à l’ÉCU 2012 ? Regardez la bande-annonce!
We are delighted to announce that the winner of the second annual G-Technology Driven Creativity Competition 2011, and a prize of €5,000 and a G-SPEED Q drive, is Amateur Film Entry, 'We Miss You' by student filmmakers Steffen Wilhelm (Producer), Sebastian Bandel (Producer), and Hanna Maria Heidrich (Director). The judges favourite, their short film embodies the creative spirit of the competition, focusing on the relationship between humans and nature by asking: What if nature misses us or do...
Maria lives inside her Camera Obscura, until the day she feels that things outside are changing and no one seems to notice those changes.
And Maria realizes that sometimes you need to create projections in order to make the others see.
Suddenly, Paris has become a lot colder and it’s fair to say that autumn is definitely here to stay. Luckily though ÉCU hasn’t been spending much time in Paris at all this month!
The first adventure abroad was when ÉCU went to Raindance in London in October to check out what is going on with Independent cinema on the other side of the channel. Almost straight away, the team was off again to host “ÉCU in Georgia”, which was a huge success. ÉCU was very proud to take some of its f...
NEW SUBMISSION TO ÉCU 2012 - Are you an amateur philosopher? If so, then "Senza Sponde" is for you! It tells the story of a man battling with the big questions of life... Does this have what it takes to be one of ÉCU 2012's champions?/// Nouvelle soumission au ÉCU 2012 - Êtes-vous un philosophe amateur? Si oui, alors «Sponde Senza" est pour vous! Il raconte l'histoire d'un homme qui pense des gran ...
A documentary following two elderly athletes, Mary Stroebe, a 90-year-old triathlete, and Bill Wambach, an 83-year-old high jumper. Mary has just broken her leg while down hill skiing and Bill, who smoked for 45 years, is recovering from a heart attack. Despite doctors orders, both decide to train and compete in their respective events. Mary hopes to complete the Lifetime Fitness triathlon ...
A documentary following two elderly athletes, Mary Stroebe, a 90-year-old triathlete, and Bill Wambach, an 83-year-old high jumper. Mary has just broken her leg while down hill skiing and Bill, who smoked for 45 years, is recovering from a heart attack. Despite doctors orders, both decide to train and compete in their respective events. Mary hopes to complete the Lifetime Fitness triathlon ...
Hi Vicky! ÉCU here. We’ve never met, but your film ‘Stanley Pickle’ won the prize for ‘Best Student Film’ and we all absolutely loved it. How did you find out about ÉCU in the first place?
I found out about ÉCU by searching for festivals in Paris- from the website it looked really active, and that's what drew me to it. Then I read more about it to discover it clearly had a great reputation so naturally I sent in Stanley Pickle.
What’s happened to Stanley since April ...
Synopsis: Alessio, caught by the headmaster painting a mural at school, tries to justify himself by saying he didn't realise he was actually inside the school as he was listening to rock music "... it gives him such a rush". As a punishment he has to clean the school toilets, listening to classical music...
Alessio realises that everything which happens in the scho ...
ÉCU Film Festival in Italy. A short presentation and special screening at the Accademia Nazionale del Cinema.
On Saturday, October 22th, 2011 from 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm at the Accademia Nazionale del Cinema in Bologna there will be a presentation and a short screening by the ÈCU - The European Independent Film Festival will be held. The academy was founded in Bologna in 1986 and its prestigious center is situated in the historical Palazzo Felicini. The courses (filmmaking and screenwriting, make...
New submission to Youth Category of ÉCU 2012 – “Reading Together” tells the story of a girl She ignores her surroundings, until the moment she meets a stranger on her everyday drive to school. Could this be the first ever Youth Category winner? /// Nouvelle soumission à “Film des Jeunes Réalisateurs Européens » d’ÉCU 2012 – « Reading Together » rencontre l’histoire d’une fille qui Elle ignore ...
Silhouette Film Festival - Parc de Buttes Chaumont, Paris.
By Ed Millar and Jen Wallace
An intrepid gang of ÉCUers made their way to the beautiful Parc de Buttes Chaumont to watch one night of the Silhouette Film Festival. The film festival is in its 10th year and is an outdoor event with films from all over the world projected onto an inflatable screen next to the lake. Here, ÉCU writers Jen and Ed, share their opinions on the festival and the films.
Jen: ...
Puppenspiel, Paths of Hate, Point Zero, Stanley Pickle Film 2010, Chloe's Dollhouse and Protopartículas are all being shown on 20th October at 6pm at Escuela Nacional de Cine in Columbia!
If you're in Colombia, check it out! Entry is FREE, and it is a unique
opportunity to see some of Europes top Independent Films!
David Vashadze of the Georgian National Film Center tells us why his organisation has teamed up with ÉCU The European Independent Film Festival. // David Vashadze de la center nationale du film géorgienne explique pourquoi son organisation est devenue un partenaire d'ÉCU le festival européen du film independant.
ÉCU was delighted to meet the lovely Georgian actress Ia Parulava when the European Independent Film Festival hit Tbilisi on the weekend! // ÉCU était ravi de rencontrer la charmante actrice géorgienne, Ia Paraluva, quand le festival européen du film indépendant était en Géorgie ce week-end!
Scott Hillier, the president of ÉCU tells of his excitement of taking the European Independent Film Festival to Georgia. // Scott Hillier, le président d'ÉCU explique sa grande joie de prendre le festival Européen du film independant à Georgie.
ÉCU presents Tamara Tatishvili, the director of the Georgian National Film Centre as she tell us the importance of the Film Center and film festivals for filmmakers. //
ÉCU presente Tamara Tatishvili, la directrice de la Centre Géorgien du Film comme elle raconte-nous de l'importance de la centre et les festivals du film pour les cineastes.
Mark Berger, winner of four Academy Awards for best sound with Apocalypse Now, The English Patient, The Right Stuff and Amadeus chats to ÉCU in Georgia. Mark holds the record for the most Oscar nominations that resulted in wins! //
Mark Berger, le gagnant de 4 Academy Awards pour le meilleure son des films Apocalypse Now, The English Patient, The Right Stuff et Amadeus parle à ÉCU en Georgie. Mark dé ...