"terroir" has been accepted to the prestigious Filmets Film Festival in Badalona (Barcelona), Spain for October 16-25, 2020. Written/helmed and sung by Dawn Westlake, "terroir" was shot in Wheaton & Peru, IL, USA, Vilafranca del Penedes, Spain and Font Romeu, France by Pol Carrizo Vilarroig of Imatge Barcelona. An original score was composed and Westlake's voice coached by GC Johnson of Acoustic Labs. "terroir" marks the professional acting debut of 4-yr-old...
"terroir" has been accepted to the UNCG Sustainability Film Festival in Greensboro, North Carolina for March 26th, 2020. Written/helmed and sung by Dawn Westlake, "terroir" is a musical doc exploring how the mother-child relationship may cloud our perceptions of very capable female leaders in all sectors of society. An original score was composed and mixed by award-winning composer GC Johnson of Acoustic Labs. "terroir" was shot, edited and its considerable visual e...
"Scrappy", a new film from Ron de Cana Productions, Inc., will have its world premiere on November 10th, 2016 at the Cambridge Arts Picturehouse in Cambridge, England with Reel Women UK. The night of films will focus on USA election issues. "Scrappy" was selected by Reel Women UK because of its treatment of the issue of gun violence in the United States. Helmed by Dawn Westlake, "Scrappy" is based on a real-life incident from her father, Donald G. Westlake's chi...
If there are images in this attachment, they will not be displayed. Download the original attachment Page 1 www.EveryThingCuba.com Contact: Bobbi Miller FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Direct: (818) 857-7457 August 21 st , 2008. Email: Bobbi@EveryThingCuba.com ELECTION 08 FREE CUBA FILM SERIES Filmmakers Present the Real Cuba to America. Saturday, September 6 th , 2008 at 6:PM American Filmmakers Kick off a natio...
See the real Cuba. Saturday, September 6th, 2008; Join us at a special one time only film screening event. See three extraordinary films shot on location in Havana, Cuba. The filmmakers bring to the big screen a world of undeniable passionate love, political warfare, deceit and terrorism with soulfully freeing Cuban music. Cuba's Love and Suicide, the movie: The first and only feature film in 50 years to be shot