The Lebanese filmmaker/actor Nadine Labaki lives in Beirut, a quick drive yet a world away from Naba’a, the suburban slum where much of her astonishing new film Capernaum unfolds. One in every three of her compatriots lives in poverty, per the UNDP, and it’s this demographic that now compels her lens.
At its harrowing center is 12-year-old Zain (played by Zain Ar-Rafeea), who shares a squalid hovel with his siblings and brutish parents(Kawthar Al Haddad and Fa...
"Games People Play" has been selected to the 2015 Tripoli Film Fest in Tripoli, Lebanon for April 30-May 7, 2015. Helmed by Dawn Westlake, the film was shot on the Canon C500 by Jon Carr, who also edited and did VFX. The film stars David Razowsky and Mark Jacobson, along with Westlake. The original score was provided by Alvarez-featured guitarist Gregory Johnson of Acoustic Labs.
For more info on "Games People Play" and to see a trailer, please visit:
"The Myth of Saleh Sharif" is a submission to ÉCU 2013 in the category Non-European Dramatic Short. The Myth of Saleh Sharif portrays the quest of a man set out to avenge his family, murdered at the hands of the Shahid Brothers. Since then, Saleh - the sole survivor of the raid, has vowed for revenge. For years he tracks down the Brothers and for years he fails... as we follow what are know as the Last Days of Sale ...
"The Myth of Saleh Sharif" is a submission to ÉCU 2013 in the category Non-European Dramatic Short.
The Myth of Saleh Sharif portrays the quest of a man set out to avenge his family, murdered at the hands of the Shahid Brothers.
Since then, Saleh - the sole survivor of the raid, has vowed for revenge.
For years he tracks down the Brothers and for years he fails... as we follow what are know as the Last Days of Sa ...
The horrors of war and the toll that it takes on both civilians and the soldiers themselves are film topics that, unfortunately, never go out of style. While it can be argued that audiences tend to stay away from such strong fare, a film that brings the audience to the center of the action and that involves it emotionally has a better chance to transcend the grimness of the material and make an impact with what is often a reluctant public.
LEBANON, the new Israeli film by Samuel M...
8th September 2009 Samuel Moaz directs Lebanon, a conscious journey reflected through his subconscious soul, imagined by surrealism. Preparation - they were left in dark small containers for hours. Nesta Morgan
(Director: Philippe Aractingi; Screenwriters: Philippe Aractingi,Michel Léviant)
In the wake of Israel’s 2006 bombardment of Lebanon, a determined woman finds her way into the country convincing a taxi cab driver to take a risky journey through the scarred region in search of her sister and her son.