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London is one of the craziest places to grow up as a young film maker. So i will shift though the crazy, for other film makers to read at speed.

London Screenwriters Festival

London Screenwriters Festival is a festival that runs from the 29th - 31st October it is only about screen writing and its for screen writes. I'm not really a screen writer but the line up of events looked kinder cool. Also as most film makers know some times its just easier to write your own work then it is to wait for some one else to write it.

The event i enjoyed from the first day was Kate Lays "Your Script, From Good to Great" this event was all about getting you script up to the best standard possible before sending it out into the world.

Tip 1. Hook - Talking about you script in one sentence (look on IMDB for hooks for already made films)

Tip 2. Theme - What you want to say (this needs to be said again and again though out your script)

Tip 3. Big Characters - Base on people you know ( but on on people you see about once a week e.g Family, People from your office etc.)

Tip 4. Conflict - Turn the heat up on your characters

Tip 5. Great Story - Your world, your voice. 

 The second day had lots of good events one all about how to write a non linear script, how to write for a low budget (Raindance) and live ammo pitching (Raindance).

The non linear was all about flashback and multiply protagonist. The women running the event talked about how you can uses these things to give life to a dully script but its not easy.

 The write for lo budget was run by Elliot Grove from Raindance say you should pick a genre that used close ups a lot to make the tension e.g. Horror.

The live ammo was a Raindance event where people put 5 pound in a hat and got to pick there idea to producers and the best pitch won the money in the hat.


Sadly i can't make it to the festival tomorrow but Tania Martin will be there and i hope she will write about what i missed.

Hope you liked my first post

Jack Ayers 




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