We accept all ENGLISH SPEAKING (No Subtitles) genres and types, however to stream your content on our APPS/Channels, your submission must be family friendly. We do not place (every) film submission on (every) one of our channels. Some content is better for one channel and not another. For example, Documentaries do better on our "Art House Movies" channel, and Action films do better on our "TMN" channel.
(No nudity, graphic adult language...this is actually dictated on Youtube and Roku, so if you're content is "acceptable" for them, then it will typically work for us too.)
See the following Points 1-4 if you're interested in having your content streamed on our Connected TV Channels.
1.) Streamers, upload your content to www.Archive.org. We prefer Archive.org because it converts video to mp4 with a perfect encoder for streaming.
Note: We do not download from youtube. Also, we do NOT license, grant, or imply any rights to anyone to rebroadcast, or download your content from our TV-Channels. (Roku/Fire boxes encode video streams, so it's virtually IMPOSSIBLE to rip content.)
2.) Streamers, prepare a 1000w x 550h image to represent your work. Save it as a (.jpg) please. Please keep it under 100k.
3. Streamers, prepare a 1-2 sentence description of your film. You may INCLUDE your URL.
4. Streamers, you must own the content you submit and accept responsibility for all clearance, music-rights etc. You may stream your film for a ( minimum of 1 ) month. We do not claim any rights to your content.
5. LAST THING TO DO: Email your stuff from points 1-4 (don't forget your film-link) to Dean at metrofilmfestival@gmail.com
You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Metro from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees, and costs of the court) which may be incurred by reason of any claim involving copyright, trademark, credits, publicity, screening, and loss of or damage to the content submitted.
FilmFreeway Rules & Terms are the official T.O.S for Metro and the related Streaming "Awards & Prizes."
Direct links to our channels:
See Movies Plus on Amazon Fire TV, and on Android via Googleplay!