Digital Rights Group (DRG), aleading distributor of content in the UK, has signed a development dealfor the television comedy series Blowout with Filmaka members Michael Kinneyand Max Herholz. They were discovered through Filmaka's Hard Times competition,which DRG sponsored. Now, fresh from that success, DRG is pleased to offeranother opportunity for Filmaka members to have their ideas heard. They arepartnering with Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC), Canada's national publicbroadcaster. This time, the competition is . . . to invent a competition.
Send us a pitch for a reality orgame show you think might be the next international craze - the next Deal orNoDeal, Dancing With the Stars, or The Weakest Link. We'll fund five of them tobe turned into pilots, and those pilots will be considered by professionaltelevision development executives. If they think you've got what it takes, theymay approach you about further development. If not, you'll all be voted off theisland. Your pitches must be uploaded to Filmaka by 24:00 on Sunday, January24th, 2010.