More Than 10% Increase in Buyers Expected,
Including 120 New Buying Companies
Industry Conversations Featuring Directors Sacha Gervasi and Victor Levin, “Harry Potter” Franchise Executive Producer Michael Barnathan, Producer Bonnie Curtis, Jonathan Silverman, Pamela Adlon
and Many More Also Announced.
The 2012 American Film Market (AFM®) will kick-off tomorrow with more than 120 new buying companies and a 10% increase in buyers, according to AFM Managing Director Jonathan Wolf. ...
The Independent Film & Television Alliance will bring leading industry executives together for the 12th annual IFTA Production Conference on Friday, Dec. 3, to discuss strategies for “Monetizing Independent Film in the Digital Marketplace.” The conference will take place from 8:30 a.m.-noon at Century City’s InterContinental Hotel, announced IFTA President-CEO Jean Prewitt and IFTA Vice-Chairman Pierre David.Dave Habiger, President and CEO of Sonic Solutions, will present the keynote addre...
The Hollywood NetAwards®, co-chaired by "New York Times" bestselling author, web pioneer, and founder of the Hollywood Film Festival and Hollywood Awards, Carlos de Abreu, and Digital Advisors President, Bruce Eisen, announce the 2008 winners of the "Hollywood NetAwards®." Best entertainment site went to, best game site to, best movie studio site to, best music site to, best TV network site to, best video site to
CALENDRIER DES EVENEMENTS MIPDOC 2005 & MIPTV featuring MILIA 2005MIPDOC 2005 9–10 avrilCONFERENCE MIPDOCLE SHOWCASE DES PROGRAMMATEURSModérateur : Gary Lico, President / CEO, Cable Ready Corporation (USA)Intervenants :. Andy Halper, Senior Producer, Thirteen/WNET (USA). Fabrice Puchault, Programme Adviser, Documentary Unit, France3 (France). Ian Russell, Dept. Controller for News, CA & Documentaries, Five (GB). Janet H. Vissering, Senior Vice President, Strategic Development/CoFinance, Natio...