The Vermont International Film Festival invites film/videomakers to enter a competition for making the 2012 festival trailer. The competition is open to all Vermont residents and to students attending any Vermont college, university or high school.
Festival trailers are shown before each film screening and their purpose is to celebrate the festival, allow the audience to ease into their seats, provide brief information and to thank our sponsors.
The number of winners will not be limite...
I sat down with Roberta Suid to discuss the mission of her unique Trailer Festival, a format that trully stands out from the crowded film festival circuit which I have been following for over 20 years. Our websites: and maintain the most comprehensive directory in the world , rich of about 6000 festival entries.
Design the official poster for KASHISH 2012, India’s
biggest international queer film festival. Test your creative instincts, get an
international platform for your work and of course win exciting rewards.
KASHISH 2012 will be held
between May 23-27, 2012 in Mumbai. Now, you can be a part of the festival by
designing its official POSTER, wherever you are in the world. The design will
also feature on hoardings, print and online advertisements, catalogue cover, banners,
cinema sli...
Director: Donny Kingsley Okoh.
Five Traffic Wardens who are University Students and migrants are determined to prove to the public that there is more to them than their big bums and issuing parking tickets.
Being a Migrant worker and student with an accent in the UK is a big problem for Chris and his colleagues and they embark on a mission to uplift the image of traffic wardens and are determined to go extra miles. Albeit the daily difficulties inherent in being a traffic warden, Chris, Emeka, Sanjay, Everton, Heather, Colin and Lucy utilize all their skills to show the public that their temporary career path do not define who they are and that whenever people see them, they should not get scared that they will be fined for not packing properly rather; they should be ready to be entertained by their wits and dancing capabilities.
Their quest to help change the views of the public about traffic wardens and gain acceptability is dealt a heavy blow when Colin falls in love with a fellow student (Jade). In his “never say never” attitude, Colin decides to sing to her about his undying love in front of the whole class and in turn, makes himself and his colleagues a laughing stock.
On the eve of the American Film Festival, which launches its inaugural event on Wednesday evening in the cultural heritage city of Wroclaw, Poland, an exciting art exhibition will be presented that merges the celebrated graphic excellence of Polish artists with the American film landscape. An exhibition of Polish posters of American films is currently being presented in the main Market Square, drawn from the Collection of Contemporary Culture of Wrocław and the Department of Social D...
Director: Justin Junghan Kim.
Klair is an old man who doesn't have much time left.
Preparing to travel to Argentina, Klair, is forced to face his past through dreams, nightmares and fantasies.
MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES This is a greatmarketing opportunity to advertise your products and to expose your brand tothe thousands of visitors who visit Time Square on a daily basis. As a SelectedSponsor, you will be given the opportunity to run your commercials before anymovie we will show for the entire week. (Short films, between 5 to 30minutes). Your logo will be in ourbanners, programs, through out the whole film festival and in our website for ayear. Selected Sponsors willhave the opport...
2009 BIFF Poster Description from the artistThe intention of this piece is to communicate a come one come all event. The uses of various species of fish are used to personify human beings of all races and genres of life. The female figure that leads that pack of fish is used to communicate a sense of eagerness and excitement but in a less aggressive way. Elegance and childishness is used as a vehicle to aid in communicating the brunt of the message. The rainbow, a new aesthetics being visited by...
Ischia, 26-29 June Product Placement & Location Festival The splendid isle of Ischia will be the setting for the first Italian festival dedicated to Product Placement. Scheduled are showings, meetings and workshops to take stock of the situation three years after the "Legge Urbani" film reform legislation and to assess, together with those active in this sector, the best strategies for assuring a pro
The splendid isle of Ischia will be the setting for the first Italian festival dedicated to Product Placement. Scheduled are showings, meetings and workshops to take stock of the situation three years after the "Legge Urbani" film reform legislation and to assess, together with those active in this sector, the best strategies for assuring a profitable, quality-based future for film, industry and institutions.This first “Product Placement & Location Festival” is just a trailer f...
The splendid isle of Ischia will be the setting for the first Italian festival dedicated to Product Placement. Scheduled are showings, meetings and workshops to take stock of the situation three years after the "Legge Urbani" film reform legislation and to assess, together with those active in this sector, the best strategies for assuring a profitable, quality-based future for film, industry and institutions.This first “Product Placement & Location Festival” is just a trailer for what, in su...
Adobe announced the winners of the seventh annual Adobe Design Achievement Awards. The premier student design and film competition honors the most talented and promising student graphic designers, photographers, illustrators, animators, digital filmmakers, and computer artists from the world's top educational institutions. Using the latest Adobe products, more than 2,500 students from 30 countries competed in the program. "Recognizing student achievement in the creative arts is an important part...
• It is the only publication that has dedicated its contents to film companies, selling films. • It compliments the publications already available thereby having no competitor in its arena. • It guarantees distribution in the festival venue and in surrounding hotels in greater numbers than most market dailies. • Each film is promoted across a large format double page spread. • Dedicated editorial page offers an impressive 500 words of copy, to pitch your movie, in the form of a synopsi...
The Malta International Film Festival has made its choice of visual for the advertising campaign. Today MIFF has shown the latest and final version of its poster.
The poster has been conceived and created by the partner sponsor Enile Solution, an Egyptian advertising company in charge of MIFF publications design.
The poster design shows a mixture of popular cinema symbols together with a non-objective subject that
onedotzero_transvisionFriday Late at the V&A 24 February 2006 18:30 - 22:00hrsV&A Museum, London, UK2006 marks the tenth anniversary of onedotzero, and a host of exciting events and projects. Starting the celebrations, onedotzero is proud to collaborate with The Victoria and Albert Museum to curate a very special live event for the V&A’s February Friday Late.The V&A is the world's greatest museum of art and design, with collections unrivalled in their scope and diversity housing 3000 years'...
For the 17th time, one of the greatest European multimedia events will be taking place in Osnabrueck, from 21 to 25 April: over a period of five days, the EUROPEAN MEDIA ART FESTIVAL (EMAF) will present current trends and the latest developments in international media art.As an international forum for experimental films and videos, performances, multimedia installations, CD-ROM, DVD and Internet projects, the EMAF will introduce both creative newcomers and renowned artists.In its exhibition (bei...
Do-It-Yourself Advertising?: The Web offers a new way of understanding advertising. and Spain´s Digital+ introduces in society, the first advertising festival made exclusively by consumers. This Festival, accessible at its website (, emerges with a vocation to defend a new way of understanding advertising. As of tomorrow, this revolutionary project, which is directed by Quico Vidal, will represent the best of news for all those who make and...