UP, the new animation film from the Disney•Pixar studios, produced under John Lasseter's supervision, will be the Opening Ceremony film of the 62nd Festival de Cannes, a World Premiere in Disney Digital 3-D on Wednesday May 13th, 2009.
UP, a comedy adventure in which 78-year-old Carl Fredricksen fulfils his dream of a great adventure when he ties thousands of balloons to his house and flies away to the wilds of South America, only to discover that he has brought with him his biggest nig...
Sunshine Barry and the Disco Worms is an enormously fun new animated
film from Denmark, about an earthworm who harbours a desire to escape
his dull existence and form the world's greatest disco band! We caught
up with the film's director Thomas Borch Nielson, along with
co-directors Tonni Zinck and Daniel Silwerfeldt.
Thomas Borch Nielson
Could you start by talking about the animation process used for the film? Were there any unexpected challenges?
Tonni Zinck: I was i...
IMAGINA AWARDS 2005 2005, an excellent year for the Imagina Awards!The competition has had unprecedented success and has not finish growing.654 works registred this year and 62 countries participating in the IMAGINA AWARDS 2005 : Europe, USA, Canada, Malaysia, India, China, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, Moldavia, Israel, Brazil, Ireland, Poland, New Zealand, Lithuania, Finland...It’s the most important competition of computer graphics and SFX in the world. A very high level competition which rhy...