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Call for Movies until 25th of August!

Entries for the 23rd edition of the Caminhos do Cinema Português Festival are open. Between 20th July and 27th August the works for the Selection Paths and Selection Tests will be submitted via FilmFreeway.
The Caminhos do Cinema Português Festival has been, since 1988, one of the main references in the national cinematographic panorama. Presenting itself as the only festival dedicated to Portuguese cinema in all its aspects (final projects of film schools, animation, documentary, short film and feature film), it shows itself as the last showcase of the cinematographic works that are annually Produced in Portugal.
This event is the opportunity to bring together creators and spectators in a single space of artistic interaction, a place where you can follow in the first person the evolution of the national film industry.
We opened the event to Juniors, Seniors, Film Schools, publishers and booksellers - to all Portuguese national production -, providing a space for the union of arts through Cinema, which is celebrated in each of our editions.
Dates & Timeframes
July 20, 2017
Open Call!
August 15, 2017
Early Bird (Free registration)
August 27, 2017
October 31, 2017
Notification of acceptance
November 27 - December 5, 2017
23th Paths of Portuguese Cinema
Awards of the Paths Selection
- Festival Grand Prix
- Award for Best Feature Film
- Award for Best Short Film
- Award for Best Animation
- Award for Best Documentary
- Revelation Prize
- Best Actor
- Best Secondary Actor
- Best Actress
- Best Supporting Actress
- Best Artistic Direction
- Best Photography
- Best Wardrobe
- Best Director
- Better Characterization
- Best Editing
- Best sound
- Best Original Argument
- Best Adapted Argument
- Best Original Music
- Best Communication
Audience Award
- Best movie
Don Quijote Award - International Federation of Cineclubes
- Best movie
Press Prize
- Best movie
Awards of the Selection Tests
-Prime of the Jury National Trials;
-Jury Prize International Essays.
+ Info
Click to submit with FilmFreeway
Create an Account
Open Call for entries on the 23rd edition of FilmFreeway! Free Early Bird entries until 15th of August!
Films Film Festival is stated as the reference event in the Portuguese panorama: the only festival dedicated to the Portuguese cinema in its various aspects - from cinema schools to animation, documentary, short film and feature film.
Since 1988, we are privileged to see and live within the best of the Portuguese productions, but also to follow the progress of all the Portuguese film industry, through a showcase event to Juniors and Seniors, to Film Schools and publishers and booksellers, which focuses On bringing the creators to the publics, with interaction on all levels.
Dates & Deadlines
July 20, 2017
Open Call!
August 15, 2017
Early Bird (Free Entries)
August 27, 2017
October 31, 2017
Acceptance notification
27 November - 5 December 2017
23nd Film Festival Paths
Selection Paths
- Great Prize of the Festival
- Best Feature Film
- Best Short Film
- Best Animation Film
- Best Documentary
Revalation Award
- Best Actor
- Best Supporting Actor
- Best Actress
- Best Supporting Actress
- Best Art Direction
- Best Photography
- Best Wardrobe
- Best Director
- Best Costume
- Best Montage
- Best Sound
- Best Original Screenplay
- Best Adapted Screenplay
- Best Original Music
- Best Advertising
Public Award
- Best Film
D. Quijote Award - International Federation of Film Societies Award
- Best Film
Press Award
- Best Film
Essays Selection Awards
-Best National Essay Award;
-Best International Essay Award.
+ Info
Click to submit with FilmFreeway
Create an Account
Is it necessary to pay a registration fee to register films at the festival?
Registration for the two selections (Selection Paths and Selection Tests) is free until August 15th.
Do you accept copies of movies in DCP format?
Unfortunately the exhibition halls of the Film Festival Paths are not equipped with DCP projection system, in that sense the most advisable format of replacement is an H264 file or PRORes with the recommended resolution of 1080 progressive lines.
After paying the application fee, can not my movie be selected?
Yes, after submitting your application your film will go through a pre-selection process with the festival's selection committee, where it can be chosen

Encon­tram-se aber­tas as ins­cri­ções para a 23.ª Edi­ção do Fes­ti­val Cami­nhos do Cinema Por­tu­guês. Entre o dia 20 de Julho e o dia 27 de Agosto pode­rão ser sub­me­ti­das via Film­Fre­eway as obras para a Selec­ção Cami­nhos e Selec­ção Ensaios.

O Fes­ti­val Cami­nhos do Cinema Por­tu­guês tem sido, desde 1988, um dos prin­ci­pais refe­ren­tes no pano­rama cine­ma­to­grá­fico naci­o­nal. Apre­sen­tando-se como o único fes­ti­val dedi­cado ao cinema por­tu­guês em todas as suas ver­ten­tes (pro­je­tos finais de esco­las de cinema, ani­ma­ção, docu­men­tá­rio, curta-metra­gem e longa-metra­gem), mos­tra-se como a der­ra­deira mon­tra das obras cine­ma­to­grá­fi­cas que anu­al­mente são pro­du­zi­das em Por­tu­gal.

Este evento é a opor­tu­ni­dade de jun­tar cri­a­do­res e espec­ta­do­res num único espaço de inte­rac­ção artís­tica, um local onde se pode acom­pa­nhar na pri­meira pes­soa a evo­lu­ção da indús­tria cine­ma­to­grá­fica naci­o­nal.

Abri­mos o evento a Juni­o­res, Seni­o­res, Esco­las de Cinema, edi­to­ras e livrei­ros – a toda a pro­du­ção por­tu­guesa naci­o­nal -, pro­por­ci­o­nando um espaço de união das artes pelo Cinema, o qual é fes­te­jado em cada uma das nos­sas edi­ções.

Datas & Prazos

Julho 202017
Open Call!

Agosto 152017
Early Bird (Ins­cri­ções grá­tis)

Agosto 272017

Outu­bro 312017
Noti­fi­ca­ção de acei­ta­ção

27 Novem­bro – 5 Dezem­bro, 2017
23.º Cami­nhos do Cinema Por­tu­guês


Pré­mios da Selec­ção Cami­nhos
– Grande Pré­mio do Fes­ti­val
– Pré­mio para a Melhor Longa-metra­gem
– Pré­mio para a Melhor Curta-metra­gem
– Pré­mio para a Melhor Ani­ma­ção
– Pré­mio para o Melhor Docu­men­tá­rio
– Pré­mio Reve­la­ção
– Melhor Actor
– Melhor Actor Secun­dá­rio
– Melhor Actriz
– Melhor Actriz Secun­dá­ria
– Melhor Direc­ção Artís­tica
– Melhor Foto­gra­fia
– Melhor Guarda-Roupa
– Melhor Rea­li­za­dor
– Melhor Carac­te­ri­za­ção
– Melhor Mon­ta­gem
– Melhor Som
– Melhor Argu­mento Ori­gi­nal
– Melhor Argu­mento Adap­tado
– Melhor Música Ori­gi­nal
– Melhor Comu­ni­ca­ção


Pré­mio do Público
– Melhor Filme

Pré­mio D. Qui­jote – Pré­mio da Fede­ra­ção Inter­na­ci­o­nal de Cine­clu­bes
– Melhor Filme

Pré­mio Imprensa
– Melhor Filme

Pré­mios da Selec­ção Ensaios
-Pré­mio do Júri Ensaios Naci­o­nal;
-Pré­mio do Júri Ensaios Inter­na­ci­o­nal.

Open Call for entries on the 23th edi­tion of Cami­nhos Film Fes­ti­val trough Film­Fre­eway! Free Early Bird entries until 15th of August!

Cami­nhos Film Fes­ti­val is sta­ted as the refe­rence event in the por­tu­guese pano­rama: the only fes­ti­val dedi­ca­ted to the por­tu­guese cinema in its vari­ous aspects – from cinema scho­ols to ani­ma­tion, docu­men­tary, short film and fea­ture film. 

Since 1988, we are pri­vi­le­ged to see and live within the best of the por­tu­guese pro­duc­ti­ons, but also to fol­low the pro­gress of all the por­tu­guese film indus­try, through a show­case event to Juni­ors and Seni­ors, to Film Scho­ols and publishers and book­sel­lers, which focu­ses on brin­ging the cre­a­tors to the publics, with inte­rac­tion on all levels.

Dates & Deadlines

July 202017
Open Call!

August 152017
Early Bird (Free Entries)

August 272017

Octo­ber 312017
Accep­tance noti­fi­ca­tion

27 Novem­ber – 5 Decem­ber 2017
23nd Cami­nhos Film Fes­ti­val


Cami­nhos Selec­tion
– Great Prize of the Fes­ti­val
– Best Fea­ture Film
– Best Short Film
– Best Ani­ma­tion Film
– Best Docu­men­tary
– Reva­la­tion Award
– Best Actor
– Best Sup­por­ting Actor
– Best Actress
– Best Sup­por­ting Actress
– Best Art Direc­tion
– Best Pho­to­graphy
– Best War­drobe
– Best Direc­tor
– Best Cos­tume
– Best Mon­tage
– Best Sound
– Best Ori­gi­nal Scre­en­play
– Best Adap­ted Scre­en­play
– Best Ori­gi­nal Music
– Best Adver­ti­sing


Public Award
– Best Film

D. Qui­jote Award – Inter­na­ti­o­nal Fede­ra­tion of Film Soci­e­ties Award
– Best Film

Press Award
– Best Film

Essays Selec­tion Awards
-Best Nati­o­nal Essay Award;
-Best Inter­na­ti­o­nal Essay Award.


Para ins­cre­ver fil­mes no fes­ti­val é neces­sá­rio de pagar um fee de ins­cri­ção?

A ins­cri­ção para as duas sele­ções (Selec­ção Cami­nhos e Selec­ção Ensaios) É livre até ao dia 15 de Agosto.

Acei­tam cópias de fil­mes em for­mato DCP?

Infe­liz­mente as salas de exi­bi­ção dos Cami­nhos Film Fes­ti­val, não estão equi­pada com sis­tema de pro­jec­ção DCP, nesse sen­tido o for­mato mais acon­se­lhá­vel de subs­ti­tui­ção é um ficheiro H264 ou PRO­Res com a reso­lu­ção acon­se­lhada de 1080 linhas pro­gres­si­vas.

Depois de paga a taxa de ins­cri­ção, o meu filme pode não ser sele­ci­o­nado?

Sim, depois de sub­me­tida a can­di­da­tura o seu filme irá pas­sar por um pro­cesso pré-selec­ção junto do comité de selec­ção do fes­ti­val, onde pode ser esco­lhido para inte­grar a lista de fil­mes can­di­da­tos a apre­ci­a­ção pelos dife­ren­tes júris nas dife­ren­tes selec­ções.

Em caso de dúvi­das con­tacte-nos. Tere­mos o maior pra­zer em o escla­re­cer.

In case of doubt, con­tact us. We will be ple­a­sed to help you.


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