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We Want Your Films

Gosh its all go here at Abertoir Headquarters today! I am delighted to announce that submissions for Wales’ National Horror Festival; The Abertoir Horror Festival are now open. In addition, for the first time in Abertoir history, the festival will run for 6 days (as opposed to a miniscule 5) from the 8th-13th November 2011. I'm the Acquisitions Manager for the Festival and the key thing which we are looking for are 'different' types of horrors which are professionally made ...

NEWSLETTER N° 500: march 3rd, 2011

 .............                                                                                                                                                          NEWSLETTER N° 500: march 3rd, 2011 Follow this LINK if you cannot read the newsletter properly  500! let us toast to that! Contact the Editor, Advertise with us  This weekly newsletter reaches 90 9...

Scary Movie

Hello All, Big a plug type of blog today, but would you like to see a proper scary film? Well I certainly would, since myself and Abertoir crave for good fresh horrors like this little gem all of the time. Click on the link below to legally download SUBCONSCIOUS - There you go, that might have been the worlds first plug-blog. ...

NEWSLETTER N° 485: November 19, 2010

 .............                                                                                                                                                          WELCOME TO OUR NEWSLETTER N° 485: November 19, 2010 Follow this LINK if you cannot read the newsletter properly Contact the Editor, Advertise on the sites.  Our newsletter reaches 82 000 film professio...


Well, the riot that is the Abertoir Horror Festival has now finished - and what fun it was. In all honesty this has been the most stressful year for us to organise although this kind of made us all stronger as we were prepared, and knew how to react, if anything during the festival went wrong. Overall it ran smoothly - the first day went without a hitch although we had a bit of a problem on Thursday when 2 of our Mystery Grindhouse Film event guests, Nico and Joe, couldn't make it to...

3D or 2D?

When it comes to the topic of 3D, I’m really not sure what to make of it - perhaps this is because it’s too early to make a judgement on it. I don’t love it and I don’t hate it. I didn’t enjoy Avatar but I did have fun watching the dire Pirana 3D. An upcoming cinema release of a 3D film never tends to excite me, however Iron Doors in 3D certainly has. We were originally going to screen it during Abertoir in 2D but director Stephen Manuel requested that we show it in 3D – which we...

A New Way of Watching

There was a very interesting article on-line in The Guardian newspaper the other day which discussed how film festivals were changing the way that they presented films. The Branchage festival in Jersey was an exemplary example of a new breed of film festival emerging in the UK. During the festival at Branchage this year, they put on a drive-in show of Superman projected on to the side of a dam, screened a documentary about bee colony collapse in an agricultural polytunnel and on a bris...

It's Here!

Yippee! It’s finally here! The Abertoir Horror Festival schedule that is – sounds like a terrible plug but please visit to start getting excited and booking your train ticket to Aberystwyth for what is the riot of the year in a small, pretty seaside town. J It’s taken all four of us a long time to put this schedule together but we are very proud of our line up this year as we have some cracking films in store, as well as a few premieres, short films and great guests. I e...

No Zombie

As previously mentioned in my earlier blog, I explained that I had been busy with Abertoir stuff. One of the tasks I faced last week was to try and save this huge Zombie Diaries 2 event which was due to take place on the final day of the festival; November 14th. Loads of different things began to plague the shoot to which the film makers had no choice but to cancel the shoot. We at Abertoir are all extremely disappointed by this, especially since its our 5th birthday this year and this...

NEWSLETTER N° 478: September 30, 2010

                                                                                                                                                          WELCOME TO OUR NEWSLETTER N° 478: September 30, 2010 Follow this LINK if you cannot read the newsletter properly C...

RIP Sally, Tarantino's long-term editor passed away

Good grief what a manic few days it has been here in Film Doctor world. Goodness knows how I managed to slip some PhD work in today during an otherwise manic day (had loads to sort out re Abertoir & film production shoot). One thing which happened this week that actually made me stop what I was doing for 15 minutes (and just not do anything) was when I heard the tragic news about Sally Menke, Tarantino's long-term editor. That woman is by far the most amazing editor in the worl...

Tarantino Vs The World

Well, it looks like Tarantino's decision to award his ex-girlfriend and other best friends some of the big awards at this years Venice festival has caused an even bigger controversy than 'I'm Still Here'... I mentioned yesterday the odd co-incidence of the Coppola and Tarantino connection but looks like the Italian press are not happy, and worse still Venice staff have used the old 'no comment' get out of jail card when asked to comment on the situation. Obviously, it does look very ...

Zombie Madness

When someone asks you ‘what your day has been like today’ have you ever replied with ‘Well, we managed to recuit 154 zombies (and counting) for the upcoming Zombie Diaries 2 shoot’? Didn’t think so. This blog might sound a little self (Abertoir)-promotion but in all hoensty its not intending to be, as my day today has literally been tracking how many people have signed up to play a zombie in an upcoming film shoot…. However, this is no ordinary film shoot as its a rather speci...

NEWSLETTER N° 475: September 3, 2010

 .............                                                                                                                                                          WELCOME TO OUR NEWSLETTER N° 475: September 3, 2010 THE SUMMER WRAP NEWSLETTER Follow this LINK if you cannot read the newsletter properly Contact the Editor, Advertise on the sites.  Our newsletter ...

Who is your festival doctor

Hello, my name is Rebekah and I am currently working towards a PhD in film and audience studies, which is a case study on Quentin Tarantino. Since the age of 17, I have been a P.A. to various different types of company directors and a C.E.O. I began working for the Abertoir Horror Film Festival four years ago, shortly after it was created. The festival has recently become (which we are very proud of) a member of the European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation. Since then I have gain...

Horror Day

Today’s blog is a horror special, partly because I’m having an ‘Abertoir Horror Festival day’ as I’m meeting up with the other members of staff today so I thought before the Tarantino-Venice news kicks in, lets have a full-on horror day. Frightfest finished on Monday 30th and word on the internet of some of the films screened has been pretty good. I hear that 13HS was ‘cheap and cheerful’ (always a good thing), Cherry Tree Lane was an improvement from The Cottage, whereas The Tortu...

Winter and Venice

Well ‘summer’ is nearly over here in the UK which means children are going back to school and Winter looms (so wolly hats and mittens are in order), but what also happens during this time is that lots of Film Festivals take place, including some of the biggies; Toronto is first followed by Venice at the beginning of September, (oh and ofcourse Abertoir in November! ;) ). Further to my previous blog, I’m very excited about Venice for several reasons 1. Machete is opening th...


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